Status: Complete

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Oh Boy

"All of my love, all of my kissin', you don't know what you've been a-missin', oh boy! When you're with me-" Leah's singing was cut off by the knock on the door, but Buddy Holly's voice continued through the speakers anyways. "Come in!" she called, thinking it was her sister, Marissa. She went back to singing as she washed the dishes from dinner. When she heard the footsteps on the tiled, kitchen floor she said, "Felecia has already ate." She turned to face her guest, "You're not Marissa," she said to her next-door neighbor, Daryl Dixon."

"No, and thank God. Why would I want to be a little twig?"

Leah frowned and turned the water off. "Why are you here Daryl?"

"That's a little rude."

She rolled her eyes and with as much sarcasm as she could muster, said, "Forgive me. Oh Daryl, please tell me why it is you have ever so graciously decided to bless me with your presence."

"You don't have to be so sarcastic!"

Leah fake gasped, "Oh my gosh! I didn't know a word that big was in your vocabulary."

"If you're going to be mean to me, I'll just leave."

Leah sighed, "I'm sorry, what is it you want?"

"Me and Merle were going to go out for drinks, and I thought you might like to join us."

"Yeah, because you know Merle and I are such great friends." She put emphasis on the 'Merle and I' part because of his bad grammar. If it were just Daryl, she'd consider it, he wasn't so bad, but Merle, well, that was a different story.

"It'll do you good to get out of the house. You never go anywhere."

"I do too!"

"Work. That's it. It's a Saturday night. You should be going out. You can't find a man if you stay here all the time."

"Whether or not I find a man is none of your concern. I thank you for the offer, but I'd rather stay here with a bowl of popcorn and the stack of Tarantino films sitting by my TV."

Daryl shook his head, "Suit yourself."

There was a knock on the door, and Leah figured that had to be Marissa. As she got the popcorn out of the cabinet she said, "If that's Marissa, will you let her in."

"And if it isn't?" he asked as he headed to the door.

"Well, if it isn't then don't let them in. Marissa is the only person I'm expecting, anyone else could be a psychotic murderer."

Daryl chuckled as he opened the door for Marissa. "Ew! What is It doing here?" Marissa asked, in reference to Daryl.

"Daryl was just leaving, weren't you?"


"Don't drive drunk!" Leah called as Daryl walked out the door.

"Look at you, watchin' out for my safety."

"What can I say? I have a heart."

They chuckled and Daryl shut the door. Leah turned to her sister and said, "Felicia's already ate, and she should be ready to go to sleep any minute now, so you'll have an easy night."

"You are such a great sitter," Marissa told her.

"No, I'm just a fantastic aunt."

Marissa chuckled and turned to her daughter, "You ready to go sugar plum?" she asked the five year old.

Felicia nodded and grabbed her dolls, "Bye Aunt Leah," she said with a hug.

"Bye sweetie."

Once they were gone Leah walked into the kitchen, grabbed her bowl of popcorn and turned the lights off before sitting down on the couch and pressing play.