Status: Complete

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse


Daryl opened his mouth to speak, but Leah placed one finger over his lips before he could respond. "Don't say anything," she said, her voice was almost a whisper. "I don't want you to say it simply because I said it. I want you to mean it when you say it. And I don't want you to ruin the moment stumbling over words as you attempt to reply."

Daryl responded by kissing her fingertip and smiling. He would wait to say it back to her if that's what she wanted. Leah moved her hand, placing it on the side of his neck. Daryl wrapped his arms around her, placing one hand on her back and the other in her hair. They fell asleep like that.

When morning came they got dressed and Daryl took her hunting. They still had some deer meat, but it wasn't enough to feed everyone. They hiked further into the woods than they had before. Daryl would hold Leah's hand to help her over logs and other obstacles on the path. "Daryl, how much further are we going to go? My legs are starting to-"

"Shh!" He cut her off at the sound of a stick snapping in half.

Leah didn't say a word, she just watched with wide eyes as a large bush in front of them seemed to move.

"Stay right here," Daryl whispered.

Leah nodded and Daryl stepped around the bush. In front of him was a walker kneeling over a deer. The head of the animal had been torn off, and the deer was ripped completely open. It was an all to familiar sight, and Daryl felt angry. He aimed his crossbow at the back of the walker's head and shot it. The walker fell on top of the deer, dead. He yanked the arrow out of the walker's head and cleaned it off before returning to Leah.

"We need to head back."


"Found a walker."


Daryl put his arm around Leah's shoulders and they headed back in the direction they had come from. They'd find something closer to camp for dinner. Half way there Leah stopped and leaned up against a tree. "I need to rest. I've never walked this much in my life."

Daryl chuckled and handed her a canteen he had filled with clean water before they left.

"Thank you."

After she had quenched her thirst she handed the canteen back to Daryl. He sat it on a stump along with his crossbow, and pulled Leah to him. He wrapped his arms around her, one on her back, the other in her hair. He leaned down and kissed her. He traced her lips with his tongue, tasting the coconut lip gloss she had put on that morning, before pushing his tongue into her mouth. As their tongues danced Leah snaked her arms around Daryl's neck and he lifted her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. They pulled away long enough to catch their breath and Leah pressed her forehead to Daryl's. Their eyes were closed and they just stood there, holding each other. "Leah, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone."

Leah opened her eyes and smiled at him, "I love you too Daryl. More than anyone."