Status: Getting Somewhere...Changed the title!


Nick Keats

'Isn't that'' Bonnie asked me, twirling her hair around her finger.
'What?! I thought it was due tommorow!'' I gasp.
Bonnie shrugs. "Maybe it was.''
Just to be sure I scribble down as many answers as I can before the bell rings.
" Racheal Lynnford, Please come to the office." Oh, God, I hope I'm not in any trouble. I silently wave to Bonnie and make my way over to the office.
" Ah, there she is. Racheal, say hello to Mr.Keats." Mr. Jones our Principal says as I walk into the office.
I look at the boy in front of me. It's obvious he would rather be somewhere else.
"Hello Mr.Keats."
"It's Nick." he looks at me. He has ash black hair and green eyes.
" You and Mr.Keats have all the same classes together, so I thought you'd show him around." Mr. Jones cuts the akward silence.
"Sure thing." I say and motion at Nick to follow me down the hallway. When we get to the end I hear him say something under his breath, "Goody Two Shoes."
"Wait.WHAT? I am not a Goody Two Shoes!"
"Yes you are."
"NO, I'M NOT!"
"Look what you're wearing!' he scoffs.
I look down at my outfit. It's super pink. "What about it?''
" It's pink... which is a horrible color."
"Oh, you did not just say that!" I'm about to get angrier when I see his smirk.
He's trying to get me angry! I calm down and say "The art room is this way." As I turn on my heels I see his smirk go out like an extingished candle. Inside the art room I smile, this is one of the greatest rooms in the school. It has multicolored walls with student's paintings hung ALL over. Art tools are laying around every which way. Most people would call it chaos but I call it home.
Mrs. Vinette called the class to order. "Today class, we will be working with watercolors.
Yes! I love watercolors! I think to myself.
"I'll put you into groups of two and you'll work together."
I looked over at my friend Gane, and hoped I be in a group with her.
"Gane and Sarah, Mikenna and Uriel,......" Mrs.Vinette called out every name except mine,Nicks,Gene's, and Brendon's.
"Please let me be with Gene, please let me be with Gene. Not with Nick, not with Nick! " I repeat to myself under my breath.
"Gene and Brendon, and Racheal and Nick. Now everyone, get to work!"
I grumbled as I got the supplies.
" We are going to do a stain glass window." I order Nick.
"No, we're doing a fire, gleaming, and consuming." His eyes sparked.
"Stained glass window." I fought back.
"Stained glass window."
"FIRE" his eyes blazed.
"Fire." I squeaked.
"Glad you agree." he said smugly.
He smeared a streak of red paint down the paper. The streak was so vibrant.
That red always was so dull. I stared at the paper.
"What never seen red paint before?''
"Yes,Thank you. But that paint has never been THAT red before! I've used it millions of times. Why is it so vibrant?"
" IT JUST IS!" he burst out.
It wasn't a yell ,but I flinched anyway. I streaked the orange across the paper. It shone bright with the red. Soon we were battling for paper. People started to stare as we were working so furiously.
"Slow down you two. Class only started ten minutes ago!" Mrs.Vinette broke our battle.
We looked at the paper. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The fire jumped off the page and grabbed at you. I felt like I was dancing with the flames.
"That, I don't think can get any better. Start a new one and I will hang this to dry. " Mrs. Vinette said as she grabbed the wet sheet and carried it to the drying rack.
Nick and I looked at each other. "Sunrise," we both said at the same time. We furiously started the sunrise and finished it as quickly as the first one. It was so beautiful. Everyone was so jealous.
"Wow! You two are on fire...Pun not intended!" Mrs.Vinette took it and hung it up to dry.
"That's it. I am assigning you two together for every group project!" Mrs. V. chirped.
'Oh great,' I thought to myself. My feelings of accomplishment faded. I looked at Nick. He glared at me. The bell rang.
As we left the art room Nick whispered , "I still don't like you," as he shuffled out.
WHY ME!?? I thought as I followed behind. I still had to show Nick around for the rest of the day.
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I feel like It's really short! It is my very first story.....anyways...yeah, I have nothing else to say! Also I think It flies by really fast!!!