Status: Getting Somewhere...Changed the title!


Gym Class Heroes

Gym was next. Gym was my mortal enemy.
I waved Nick off and walked into the change room. Bonnie was in there, too.
"Bonnie, help me." She looked at me strangely. "What? You know I hate gym class! And to make it worse there is that new kid who hates me."
"Why does she hate you?" Bonnie asked.
"He, Bonnie. Why does HE hate me."
"Oh, I see." Bonnie nodded slowly.
We walked out of the change room. Nick looked at my shirt.
"Paramore!? You like Paramore?" he asked shocked.
"Yes." I love Paramore but I didn't tell him that. I've even seen them in concert. He started laughing.
"What?! What is so funny!?"
"That a prep like you could ever,... HAH, like an awsome band like Paramore...hahah!" Ughh!! He infuriated me!
"Alright you lazy bums.Get running!" Mr.Gunther yelled. No one liked Mr.Gunther. He always yelled at us. I started running. Nick passed me once, then again, then again. he was fast, but then again I was very slow. When I had finished my laps Mr.Gunther had set up banminton nets.
He split us into teams, I was with Bonnie, and Nick was with George. Bonnie served.Nick hit it toward me. I went to hit it and it flew right past my raquet.
"That was terrible!" Nick laughed. I stuck my chin as high in the air as I could and served. It didn't make it over the net.
"Wow! You should teach me your amazing skills!" Nick Laughed.
I looked at Bonnie. See? I said with my eyes. She nodded. Bonnie and I could communicate without saying a word. I served again and by miracles, it went over the net!
Nick seemed shocked that I hit it over the net.

After being ridiculed in every other period by Nick, I sat down with Bonnie at lunch.
"I hate Nick already." I grumbled.
"Oh, I'm hurt!," a familiar voice said behind me. He sat down right next to me. "So what's up.. buddy?" he asked as sarcasticly as he could.
"Nothing much..Keats." I said flatly.
"Lighten up best buddy. You're so emo!"
That was it. I'd had it. I was going to kill him. "I'm so sick of YOU!" I raised my voice.
"... and you're bipolar too!" he had hints of laughter in his voice.
I looked at Bonnie. I'm Going to Kill him! I told her with my eyes. She nodded.
"So, best buddy.. why do you have a stick stuck up you're butt?"
I glared at him and his triumphant smirk. I was not going to let him win!
" I don't know. Maybe its a branch that fell off the TREE thats stuck in yours." Bonnie stifled a laugh.
"Oh,no! You've hurt me so much!," he covered his heart and pretended to die.
Bonnie laughed at his little show. I slumped my head to the table and thought, 'Just shoot me now.'
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I Know! Fellow Gammar Nazi's Don't eat me if you find a mistake ( but do tell me!)?! Kthxbai!
This one is even shorter than the last one!