Status: Getting Somewhere...Changed the title!


Battle of The Band Class

The next class was band. I was pumped for it. I really needed to hit something! Fortunately I play the drums. I hit the snare hard a few times, and then I heard a familiar voice.
“Hey, look who it is! Hi Percussion Buddy!” I turned around to see Nick holding a pair of drumsticks with a smirk on his face.
“REALLY!?” I said with a frustrated sigh.
His smirk widened so much I thought his face was going to crack in half. “I want on the set, Buddy!” He pushed me off the set and sat down on the stool. I got up and tried to push him off the stool to get my spot back . He leaned forward, which made my hands slip and I fell again. As I got up again he looked at me with that smirk of his. Now I was really getting angry and I tried to push him off again, but he was like a brick wall!
“Oh, RAY-Chell, do you want a turn? I’m so sorry. Ladies first.” I didn’t trust him, but when he got up I scooped up the space as fast as I could. Then He pushed me off again! “My turn!!!” he shouted.
I got up and was going to claw his eyes out when I heard laughing. I turned my head. Everyone was laughing at us. THEY HAD SEEN THE WHOLE THING!!?? My face turned red. Ms.Clavett walked into the room and said to me and Nick.” You two are going to have to share the drum set.” At least she didn’t see the little show me and Nick put on. She signalled rest position.
“I’m going first, Buddy.” Nick said seriously.
I angrily nodded my head in agreement. Right now I needed to chill. 'He doesn’t know the music, so just chill out, sit back, and watch him fail.' I told myself. Ms.Clavett brought everyone out of rest position and started counting. "One-two -three-four!"
Nick made the drum set come alive. He crashed and boomed at just the right moments,
while I sat in the back trying go keep my foot from tapping along with the drum beat.
When the song finished everyone looked at Nick. They started clapping. My stomach dropped. I knew I had to do really well on the next song to top that. When the song started I was really grooving and was doing just as good as Nick, if not better. I glanced over at Nick.
He had the look on his face that said, oh, what is that word again? Oh, right JEALOUS!!
I smiled as I was thumping to the music.
All the sudden I felt a push on my back that knocked me right out of the chair.
Nick had pushed me… In the middle of a song!
I got back up and started grooving again. Then Nick pushed me off again!
By then the song had ended. “Rachael? What are you doing on the floor?” Ms.C asked me. Which means she hadn’t seen Nick push me.
“Umm... Just looking for my pencil!” Nick looked down at me, obviously surprised that I didn’t tell on him. I knew that if I told on him it would be worse tomorrow. As he sat down on the set he smirked at me as to say ‘I won.’
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I chose Percussion because it's the instrument I play in band. Also people have tried to push me off drum sets! ( the first time it was my best bud,she was being a B**ch. the second time, it was the kid I really hate . He pulled my chair out from under me while I was about to play!)