Status: Getting Somewhere...Changed the title!


Home Sweet Home... Or not.

When I got home, I felt like punching the wall. In math, Nick sat behind me and poked me all class. English class, Nick sat beside me and scribbled on my paper while I wasn’t looking. Then in science, he kept kicking the back of my legs.
I walked through the door and breathed in. Ah, home sweet home. What I needed was a warm bubble bath, and a good old vent in my diary.
When I walked into the kitchen my mom was making dinner… in her best clothes. “Oh, there you are! Get something nicer on, we’re having the neighbours over for dinner.” Okay that was normal. We always had people over for dinner. My dad was a, how do you put it? Well, he was a hotshot. We were used to entertaining. I ran upstairs and put on my best dress. Opened my diary and quickly scribbled:

March 11th
Dear Diary,
We are having guests over for dinner again. That’s not really what I wanted to talk about though, what I really wanted to talk about was Nick Keats, aka the Devil. He came to our school today and I was nice to him but he immediately hated me and tormented me every second! I really don’t want to go to school tomorrow because of that jerk!
Till, later (when I put details about the dinner.)
Rachael Lynnford

I ran downstairs to talk to my mom. Just as I got to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. “Rachael, could you get that?” my mom asked. I ran to the door. I opened it with a smile that I’d soon regret. Standing there was Nick Keats with the biggest grin on his face.
“Hello! I’m Ms. Keats!” A woman who looked exactly like a pixie said.
“Keltie Keats.” said the girl who was wedged between Nick and Mrs. Keats.
“Nick Keats.” Nick said mostly to my parents who ghosted behind me.
“Well, I’m Mrs. Lynnford, This is my Husband John , and this is our daughter, Rachael .” Looking at the Keats family, I wondered why Nick had Black hair. The rest of his family all had red hair. He probably dyed it I concluded. We led them to the dining room.
The table was super fancy. I guess my mom didn’t listen when I told her that if you put the most expensive table settings on people might get intimidated.
I went into polite as possible mode at the dinner table and answered as courtly as I could.
“Do you go to Whitmore?”
“Oh, Nick is going there too! So is Keltie. What grade are you in?”
“Grade 9.”
“So is Nick!”
“I know.” I looked at Nick who was chuckling softly. When we were done with dinner my mom said “Rachael, how about you show Nick and Keltie around?”
“Sure.” We started to walk to the living room. I saw Keltie’s eyes pop when she saw the huge shelf filled with movies.
“Whoa! Those are the most movies I’ve seen ever! Can I stay here and look at the titles!? I’m a total movie buff.”
“Sure.” Nick and I left Keltie and moved to the upstairs. “Just so you know, I can’t stand you anymore, if you don’t want your eyes scratched out don’t make any smart alek comments. Deal?”
“No promises.” He mumbled.
I moved onto the game room. Nick walked in. “What the ....! Who would even play all those video games! Not you!”
“Yes me. Why is that hard to believe?”
“You seem like the type who would rather read or one those kids who think violent video games are icky.”
“I bet I can Beat you at any game on this shelve.”
He pulled out Mario and Call of Duty. “You’ll have to beat me at both of these to win that bet. "Your're on. If you win, I won’t call you a prep anymore.”
“And if you win?” I asked. “I'll think about it while we’re playing.” I put in Mario.
I beat him in almost in no time.We switched to Call Of Duty. I was kicking Nicks butt when he noobtubed me. Then he killed me again, and again.
“I win!" He cheered. “It’s a tie!” “So, I’ll stop calling you Prep, and then I get my bet made when I feel like it. I should warn you though; I am still going to make your life hell.”
“NICK! KELTIE!” Nick’s mom called from the kitchen.
“Well, that’s my mom. Bye RAY-CHELL!” He dashed out of the room.
I went to my bedroom and lay down. Nick’s words played in my head.
‘I’m still going to make your life hell.’ I knew he wasn't lying.
♠ ♠ ♠
i was so bored! this is probably the longest chapter so far. So the editing might not be that great!

Noobtube: a player in a videogame, usually new to the game, that kills people with lots of grenades. (everyone hates noobtubers, I only know what one is because my brother plays cod and halo lots.)