Status: Getting Somewhere...Changed the title!


Playing Aires?

When I went to sleep that night I could barely breathe. It felt like fire was in my lungs. I drifted painfully into dreamland. I felt someone’s hand at my throat, clamping it down. I looked up and saw a shadow. “Playing Aires are we?” He smirked, pressing a little harder on my throat. “WELL. THAT. WON’T DO.” Every time he paused he pressed his hand harder and harder down on my throat.
“Stop!” I managed to muster out, barely a whisper. He looked at me. He removed his hand from my throat. “Don’t tell anyone this happened. I’ll hear about it if you do.” He hopped out of my window. I closed my eyes. When I opened them the pain in my throat was gone, and the window was locked. “What the hell?” I looked at my alarm clock .6:30 it read in big neon lights that hurt my eyes. It was too early to be awake on a Saturday. I tried to go back to sleep but the dream had made any chances of sleep slim. I got up and went downstairs. I made myself some coffee and flicked on the TV. The morning news was on. “At 5:00 this morning, a house in the downtown area was set on fire. The people inside managed to get out safely, but evidence concludes that it was set purposely. We have live coverage of one of the people inside of the house with us.” I nearly spit out my coffee when the camera showed the girl. “Bonnie Peterson, how are you faring? It must be so hard to lose your home by the hands of someone else, especially at your age.” Bonnie eyes welled up as she said, “If they are watching, all I have to say is why. Why would you want to do this to my family? Why would you want to hurt us like this?” Bonnie started Crying and no longer was understandable. “Whywhywhyyry
Wheyuoerhgyweuo!!!!!!” She garbled out. The camera women went to rub her back. I turned of the TV and let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Bonnie’s house caught fire? Why Bonnie? She never did anything to deserve this! This bugged me even more. I decided I needed to go see Bonnie. I went upstairs and made myself presentable and started to walk to where Bonnie’s house is…or was. When I got there the police and the fire department were both there. The house was still on fire. I saw Bonnie and her family in the neighbor’s yard. I walked over to Bonnie and gave her the biggest hug ever. She hugged back, crushing me and started crying on my shoulder and whispering nonsense. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw the still burning remains of Bonnie’s house, it meant a lot to me too. It was the house I’d go to after school everyday when I was younger because my parents were working. It was the place I shared countless secrets at sleepovers, the place was my second home. Bonnie clung harder making me gasp for breath. She decided that was the time to let go. “Rachael!?? WHY!!!!?!?” She sobbed.
“I heard it on the news this morning Bon, who would want to set a house on fire!?” I said very Nancy Drew like. Bonnie took a big breath. “I don’t know.” She said calmly. That was the thing I loved about Bonnie. When she was sad it was only for a little while then she calms down, whereas when I am sad I can’t cry or I cry my face off. It is kind of annoying. A police officer came over to us and asked who I was. I answered him and he nodded. I hope he doesn’t think I set the house on fire! I offered to let Bonnie come to my house and she was going to refuse when her mother said. “Bonnie it’s best if you go.” She followed me as we walked back to my house. I opened the door to my house and ushered Bonnie in. I was closing the door when I heard Bonnie gasp. I turned my attention from locking my door to what Bonnie was gasping at. A sheet of paper with a red mark on a house decal in the corner was on my counter I looked at the words written in red calligraphy. It read ‘let the games begin.’
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Sorry it took longer than usual... I was playing Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I had that game in 2006 and my bro gave it away so I had to buy it again to play it! But it was worth the $60 dollars! It is like 4-5 years old and it still hasn't gone down in price. Thats how you know it is a good video game! I cannot wait for skyward sword!

Sorry for babbling...l Enjoy! sorry if i made errors!