This is My Family


I always remember the feel of a good Saturday morning. I would always have my eyes flicker open to the site of the beautiful pink walls, decorated just for me and my sister, Hannah when we were six, and I would always look over the the bed right next to me and smile, just to see Hannah smiling face join mine.
We always seemed to find a way to race to the kitchen. She would jump out of bed first, and I would follow, only to find Jesse sitting infront of the TV awaiting us.
"Good morning, girls." Jesse would say smiling at us. She than hugged us both, and mom would join us with a tv tray, filled high with our favorite foods on top, eggs and bacon.
"Morning Darlings. How did you all sleep?" and we would nod, shoving the food in our mouths like animals who haven't had anything to eat in years. Than.. like every morning, mom would hug Jesse, and they would kiss. To us it was normal. To us it was beautiful and sweet. But than again, at that point we would be eating not really paying attention to it at all.
But whats the difference between it?
I am now twenty-three years old. Older than a child, and younger than my elders. I sit here today, holding up a sign with my sister so the two people who raised me, to get married. And yes, I am very much straight.
I always knew I was straight. My mom use to tease me about boys all the time.
When I was fifteen years old, Jesse, mom, Hannah and I were at walmart, shopping for clothes, and my mom smacked my should gently whispering, "There you go Tonya, there is your husband to be."
There stood an angel, who I hadn't seen before. He had short black hair and blue eyes. He was amazing. He smiled at me, and all I could think of was, I should of brushed my hair better, wore a different shirt, done something different.
I think Hannah and Jesse noticed, because they started pushing me towards him, and no matter how loud I said stop, they pushed me closer and closer until, at that momment, he was infront of me.
"Hey." I said smiling softly.
"Hey, I've never seen you around before. My names John."
"I'm Tonya. ya I guess I haven't seen you around either."
"Ya, do you go to ashben high? "
"Um, not yet I get to next year though. Going in as a freshmen." I shoved my toe unto the ground. I knew this was it. I bet he didn't wanna date a stupid eighth grader.
"Oh, see I'm a freshmen there now. It's pretty sweet."
"I bet, sounds like a pretty cool school."
"Ya, well, if you ever need a tour next year, you should hit me up." a smile hit my face, and all I could think of was, OMG! litterly.
"Ya, of of course."
"Or, umm if you ever wanted to hang before that, thats cool too."
"Ya, well do you want my number, so you know, we could get a hold of eachother."
He smiled and nodded, and so thats where the pen search began, and we both laughed digging through our pockets to find that missing pen.
I dug through my pink, Hollister pierce, and I found a blue pen. I took his hand gently and scribbled my number gently on it, and we smiled.
"Ok, well I will talk to you later than."
"Of course." I smiled.

My mom and Jesse smiled as I walked back to them.
"So?" I heard Hannah smiling, walking up from the clothes issle on the left side.
" I got some numbers!" I smiled. We hugged eachother softly, and Jesse offered Icecream. It was one of the best days ever.
I heard Hannah screaming loudly in the croud next to me. "LOVE IS LOVE." You could feel the energy in the air. What power was brought apon us. Suddenly a shiver of wind passed us, and I held Hannah's hand, throwing it high in the air, "LOVE IS LOVE!" I screamed with her trying to almost bust the cold breeze away from my face.