I'm Thinking It Must Be Love

Pink Bubble Gum

“You’re such a girl”

I looked up from my ice-cream and saw her grinning. I shrugged I knew she was just teasing me because I got the pink bubble gum ice-cream. I didn’t mind her teasing though I mean sure I was having girly ice cream but at least my ass hadn’t gotten glued to a slide. I stifled a laugh, I still couldn’t believe she had her ass glued to that slide, I really had to meet that Savanna chick.

“Well you should probably take me home now?”

I shook my head, “no.”

“what? Why not? Are you making me walk?”

Her laziness made me smile “no actually I meant I want my jeans back so I’m gonna buy you something else to wear.”

“why? These are comfy!”

“I was planning on wearing them tonight”

“ooh what are you doing tonight?” She sounded curious but she was focused on eating all
the cookie-dough out of her ice-cream.

“I’m going to the movies with Trick,” I used the spoon to save all my bubble gum for last, it was undoubtedly the best part.

“oh is it like a date?” She asked sounded slightly less interested.

“Nah, he just got out of a relationship and I don’t have the guts to ask him out.”

She gave a small laugh at my insecurities, I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or not, “hurry up and finish your ice-cream so we can go shopping.”

She gave me a skeptical look, apparently shopping wasn’t her favorite activity. I knew this of course but torturing people is fun! I finished the pink ice-cream and tipped the cup until all the gum slid into my mouth.


“hmm” I tried to chew all the gum but it was still kind of frozen so it was hard.

“can I come with you guys to the movies?”

I shrugged I didn’t see anything wrong with it but I should probably ask Patrick first. Eh what the hell? What’s the worst that can happen? Besides it’d be fun to hang out with both my best friends. “yeah sure.”