The "Other Girl"

I ask him about his name one day

When we’re just sitting around,
Waiting for our scene to come up.
He says, “My mum really wanted a girl,
So they picked out the name Hayley.
Turns out I was a boy.”
“Isn’t it weird having a girl’s name?”
I ask him.
“Not really. You just get used to it,”
he said. “It does get confusing sometimes, though.”
He tells me a story about a substitute teacher
Who sent him to the principal's office
Because she thought he was messing around with her
And that he was just pretending to be British
And named Hayley.
We laugh and are sent out in the hallway,
Which makes us laugh even more.
We’re rolling around on the ground,
And Hayley does his impersonation of the director,
And it’s so terrible I can’t breathe because I’m laughing.

This is something I could get used to.