The Barrio.


Walking into the San Jacinto High School was a nightmare-come-true for Claire. Having all the eyes in the school on her made her feel squeamish, as blood does to others. But having Ramon next to her, as weird as it was, actually made her feel better. His presence gave her comfort, like he would protect her, which was slightly ridiculous. She didn’t even know the man. Literally. She met him one hour ago.
“Why are those people staring at me?” She asked, referring to a group leaning against the hallway wall. It was boys in wife beaters, covered in tattoos and girls in baggy clothing with red and green bandanas tied around their wrists. They were all really intimidating.
“Don’t make eye contact. Walk past them with your head up, just don’t make eye contact.” Claire’s heart started to race as she followed his instructions, turning to him with alarm on her face after they passed them. He sighed. “They’re in the bandas.”
“Excuse me, bandass?” She asked, butchering the pronunciation.
He laughed. “Bandas. Gangs. The bracelets the girls were wearing were gang colors. They’re bad people. Make sure you stay away from them.”
“Yeah, I got it. It’s not like I’d go near them anyway, even if they weren’t in the bundas.”
He laughed again and it made her smile. Claire definitely liked making him laugh.

“Claire! Over here!” Ramon was standing up and waving his hands like a madman, which made her giggle.
“He’s whipped.” The girl across from Ramon whispered to the boy next to her. He nodded.
Claire set her milk and apple down next to Ramon and smiled weakly at the other boy and girl.
“I’m Adelita. Call me Del.” She was pretty, with black hair and almond-shaped eyes.
“Luis.” He was tall, at least over six feet, and gangly. He was cute though, in the quiet way.
“Hi. I’m Claire.”
“We know.” Del said dryly. She eyed Claire’s apple and milk. “Not hungry?”
“Uh, no. Nervous jitters.” The truth was, Claire only had two dollars and couldn’t afford anything else. Del ‘humphed’ and didn’t talk for the rest of lunch.

“Is Del always like that?” Claire laughed as they left the cafeteria.
Ramon rubbed the back of his head. “She’s an acquired taste, but you want her on your side. She’s a great friend to have.”
She hesitated. “I guess…she seems…interesting.”
“Oh yeah. Interesting is the right word.”
“Interesting, huh?” They turned around, wide-eyed, to see Del with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. “Whatever.” She said, losing patience and grabbing on to Claire’s elbow. “We need girl time.” She answered to the face Ramon made, “Don’t wait up!” She pulled Claire into the bathroom.
Del pulled a sandwich from her backpack. “Ham and cheese. I stole it from Luis. He doesn’t care though.”
“Why would you give this to me?”
Del leaned against the sink. “When I moved in with my abuelos, we struggled a lot more because they had me to feed, and I hardly got to eat at all. Luis noticed and would bring me extra food from home. He got into a hell of a lot of trouble with his mamá, but he did it anyway.”
“How does that apply to me?”
She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to deny it. I won’t tell Ramon. Eat up!” She yelled and just walked out the door, leaving Claire dumbstruck. No one ever guessed the truth about her home. Even if it was a minute detail, it still left Claire scared they would find out more about her family.
Shaking off the scary thoughts, she entered a stall, closed the door and ate the sandwich. Never had she tasted anything better.
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