Status: Active<3

Rhythm of Love

My Heart

Alex's Point of View

I stood still, watching Nora as she hit the tree repeatedly, causing the bark to fall off. Finally she stopped and hugged herself, tears gathering in her eyes. I felt like I should comfort her, but I wasn't sure how.

What did she mean? She didn't mean me, did she?

I stepped out into the clearing slowly. It had been days since I'd left this very spot after apologizing to Nora and blowing up at Eli. Surprisingly enough, Damien had pretty much cleaned my slate.

I guess what they say is true. Guys slug it out, and their problems are solved.

I studied Nora before taking another step. Her blonde hair was brushed and clean. Her clothes hugged her frame. She stood with an uncertainty I didn't recognize. She breathed deeply and sighed.

"Oh, Alex," she sighed. I stopped.

"What?" I asked. She spun around, shock in her eyes.


"Yeah," I said sheepishly. "I come this way a lot. When I'm, y'know, sober." I looked away from her, scratching the back of my head. "Look, Nora, I really am sorry. For everything. From when we were five, to every time I blew you off, to what happened a week ago. I'm a horrible person-" She gasped and stumbled toward me. I caught her reflexively and she looked up at me.

"You don't need to apologize anymore, Alex," she said. "I-"

"How could you believe me?" I interrupted. "How could you think I hated you?" I wasn't angry, not accusing. I needed to know.

"I- I don't know," she whispered, her breath catching in her throat. "I'm sorry-"

"Stop apologizing, Nora! You make me feel guilty." Suddenly her cheeks flushed, and it took me a few minutes to realize why. We were so close, our breaths mingling between us. I stood her up and pulled a little away.

"Alex," she whispered. "I've known you my whole life. Every bit of it, I loved you. Why can't you accept that?"

"Because you don't, Nora. You can't love someone like me. I'm a monster."

"No. I see the way you treat Beech, and how much you love Eli. You can't be a monster. You aren't. Because everything you are, I couldn't stop loving. Evrrything you do."

"No, Nora! Everything I've done, it hurt you. Who I am is nothing compared to you! You and Damien grew up in the best homes with great families. Eli and I grew up in the slums! We're not like you, Nora. You're better off with Noah or one of them."

"No, Alex," she countered. "You're not listening!"

"Neither are you!" We glared at each other for a bit, and then I put my forehead to hers. "There's nothing to love about me," I said.

"That's a lie," she breathed. "There's everything." She pressed her lips to mine and I pulled away, shocked. She stared at me with uncertainty in her eyes and I wasn't sure what to say, what to do. "I'm sor-"

Annoyed, and mostly to shut her up, I pressed my lips to hers. "What did I say, about apologizing?" She smiled and suddenly the kisses were going back and forth. In what seemed like no time, we were on the floor beside the dying willow, and for some reason, we were crying.

When I woke up the next morning, the sky was an ugly shade of purple. The clearing was empty. Carved into the tree was a note explaining that Nora had to go home. I left and walked slowly to my uncle's bar.

The guys sat in the spot, drinking coffee minus the burger breakfasts. They nodded at me and I slid into the booth next to Beech, who listened quietly.

"Battle of the Bands coming up," Xavier said, checking his black eye in the reflection of the spoon. The swelling had gone down and the colouring faded. I reacehed for my own cup of coffee and waited. "We need to unleash a secret weapon. We need to blow their minds into orgasmness. Any ideas?"

Beech began humming a Paramore song that usually got stuck in our heads and I eyed her slowly. "I think I just might. Beech, how fast can you learn the lyrics to a song?"

"Depends on the song," she said slowly. "Why?"

"Go print the lyrics to My Heart. Download the song. Learn it." She jumped over me and flounced into the kitchen.

"Is that legal?" Conner asked.

"There's nothing against it," I said with a shrug.

"So we're using Beech as our secret weapon?" Ivan asked. I nodded. "Wicked."

"So Alex," Conner said, stirring creme into his coffee, "where were you last night?"

I cleared my throat. "With Nora." All of them looked at me.

"All night?" Ivan asked. I nodded.

"Doing what?" Xavier asked. I began examining the brick wall. They understood.

"Well," Conner said. "She's what, eighteen?"

"Not sure," I said calmly. Not that much younger. A year at the most."

"So if you're nineteen, she's gotta be eighteen. Right?"

"I don't think her birthdays come up yet." They glanced at each other, and away.

"Well," Ivan finally said. "Hellin! Can I get a breakfast burger?"

"Coming right up!" Hellin shouted. I smiled.

This was like my second home. Good to be here.
♠ ♠ ♠

Yeah, cause that wasn't the least bit awkward. >.>

Ha! Fifth update in one day! <3 Comments make my day <3

TY for reading!