
Number One

Dear best friends,

Well Taylor, since you introduced me to Mibba... I'll start with you.

You've been my best friend since sixth grade and I honestly love you to death even when I hate you. We've had so many interesting times... You've taught me that-

1.) I am horrible at self defense
2.) I wouldn't make a very good cook...
3.) ...I have nothing to write here.

I was reading the old letter I had posted and it reminded me of eating pizza out by your pool. I miss that. How had I never had cold pizza before that night?!

We still need to have our Narnia marathon! Ben Barnes! ...And then I MIGHT consider writing that story with you.

And... my Christmas story for you will. be. beast. Remember that.

Also, buy me a Bigfoot!


You're one of very few people that I'm able to put up with for four days straight. You're a great friend who puts up with all my ramblings...

You're a butterfly, and I still have/love that video. Who would've thought that we would still be laughing at that two years later?

The rabit Shi-tzu bunny you drew today was *adorable*... I'm sorry I couldn't use it in my story... and I'm sorry you couldn't hear me correctly the first time...


You were my kindergarten buddy! You almost got me in trouble... because apparently it isn't very nice to stab holes in papers. ):<

I tell you absolutely EVERYTHING. I complain to you, I say things I shouldn't, and you're the only person that completely knows how I feel about a cretain you-know-who.

You annoy the crap out of me. How did you manage to become my best friend?


I've had so many fights with you it isn't even funny. That last fight... I seriously thought we were done. At the time, I actually wished we would've been. I'm not really sure how I would've dealt without you, Frank and Sally though.

Honestly, I don't tell you much. I love you, I love hanging out with you, I just don't love the way we tend to slander each other's names. So it's best just to keep most things to ourselves and carry on with our friendship that way.

One last thing... because of our immature wall posts, I'm sure most people on Facebook hate us. I love you for that. :)

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I went A LONG TIME without doing these, so I deleted everything I had on here. The idea still fascinates me though, so I decided to restart it. I'm not really going to follow the whole day schedule though. I'll post when I want to, and when I don't want to... I won't. So if that means I post five in one day, then so be it. And if that means I don't post for two weeks, then so be it.

Anyways, comments are always welcome. Thank you. :)