Status: I cannot think of anything to write at all, maybe it will be Honey's turn

Our Lady of Sorrows

Chapter 2

Erin walked out of the bathroom twenty minutes later feeling ridiculous. She never had to wear uniforms before and she had always imagined them to be like the high fashion ones on TV. But these, these were flat out boring. She decided that she had to do something.
She took the ugly navy blue jacket and ripped off both the sleeves, making it look more like a waist coat. Then she took the knee length red plaid skirt and cut it shorter, but not short enough to get a dress code violation. Paired with some black combat boots, the outfit made her look rebellious.
She grabbed her black messenger bag and headed down the stairs. As Erin turned the corner to enter the kitchen Donna Way turned around exclaimed quite loudly. Erin could see her purse her lips at the boots.
Donna Way was a heavy smoker; you could see it so clearly. She had bags under her eyes, which were caked with makeup. Her thin pursed lips were meant to look larger from the hotpink lipstick bleeding into the edges of her mouth. Her bottle blonde hair was teased up on top of her head, making her seem six inches taller. Donna reminded Erin of an older Sandra Dean from “Grease”. She wore a leather jacket; cheetah print pants, high heels and her claw like fingers were painted a pink to match her lipstick.
“Don’t you look, handsome” Donna scoffed.
Gerard stepped in front of his mother and grabbed the untied tie that hung around Erin’s neck. Erin just kind of stared at him in shock that he was close to her.
“You need some help?”
He began to tie it for her. He leaned in toward her ear and chuckled. She could feel his hot breath against her neck.
“What happened to the pink heart boxers?” he whispered referring to her pajamas.
He pulled one last time on the tie and slowly she raised her blue eyes to his green cat-like ones. He flashed a pair of white teeth and then stepped away leaving her flushed cheeks to be clear to all in the room.
Donna’s pink lips were set in a scowl. She definitely didn’t like her boys around other girls. It wasn’t her idea to bring Erin in; it had been the schools.
A boy with straight brown hair cut into a shaggy layered, just rolled out of bed look, slid his chair in and walked to the sink carrying a bowl of soggy cookie crisps. His green eyes flashed behind round glasses.
Mikey Way looked somewhat like his brother, with a strong jaw and cat like eyes, except he was just a bit tanner, only a bit though. Mikey was also very skinny, she bet his mom tried to feed him more food at dinner like her mom did to her. His clothes were a bit baggier on him. He set his bowl down and grabbed Erin by the arm pulling her out of the room and outside.
“Don’t mess with my mom, she jumps to conclusions” he shook his head and let go of her to push up his glasses.
“I’m Mikey by the way. Sorry we couldn’t meet you yesterday, we had band practice.”
Erin looked up at the sky, the sun was out and it was a warm day.
“Erin. You’re in a band?” she looked at both the Ways.
They had started walking down the sidewalk since they lived not too far from the school. Right as Mikey was about to speak Erin’s stomach made a loud growling noise. She grabbed it and smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry, must be hungry”
Mikey reached into his backpack and produced two chocolate chip muffins.
“Mom made them this morning, here”, he handed her them.
She ate as they talked. Gerard doing most of the talking, Mikey adding in every chance he got.

Frank shuffled off the bus, his hopeless black hair sticking up in different directions. He bit his lip ring and slowly made his way through the hall towards his locker. Out of nowhere a pack of wild jocks appeared and grabbed Frank.
“Come on guys, not today” he shouted as they shoved him in an open locker.
“It’s not even funny,” he protested when they locked it and walked away laughing.

A while later Erin followed the counselor down the crowded hallways. Students of all assortments were yelling back and forth or tossing papers. Everywhere there was noise. The counselor Mrs. Jackines glided past it all, probably from so many years working at the school.
“Here’s your locker, now if you have any questions, come to my office.” She groaned. “Listen kid, I’m paid to say that, but really go bug a delinquent”
She snapped at a few students then strode away. Erin looked down at her combination and fiddled with the lock.

A girl came up to the locker, Frank could see her from the little peep holes in it. She turned the dials and shoved open the door. Frank yelled and leaned forward as the girl opened the locker. His outburst freaked the girl out as she ran down the hall not looking back.
He closed the locker and straightened his tie.

Erin heard yelling at turned to her left. A couple lockers away a red headed girl was scared straight by a boy who popped out of her locker. He closed the locker and straightened his tie. Erin laughed at what just happened.
Frank looked over at a girl who started laughing at what had just happened. She looked new. He walked over just as Gerard and Mikey made their way over to her.
“Hey Frank, this is the new girl”, Gerard put his arm around her.
She pushed his arm off of her, “I’m Erin.”
“So you’re livin’ with the Ways’ now, may God have mercy on your soul.” He chuckled.
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I'm so sorry it took so long to type this one little chapter.... I'm a procrastinator (a bad one) and I wrote everything down in a notebook so that meant I had to type it out. Next Chapter won't take this long.