Status: Writing with Schiz.

Ties of the Past

Part One: Mother and Daughter

"I hate you!" Natsume yelled, her dark eyes glared daggers at her mother. Akito stood there, staring back at her daughter with an equally calm loathing. Ever since she was born, Natsume has received nothing but hatred and loathing from her mother. Once Akito had learned that her daughter was both the cat and the god of the zodiac, Akito had rejected her right then and there, claiming that Natsume was her punishment for cheating on Shigure so much.

But as the previous God, Akito felt sorry for her young daughter. Being "God" was a very terrible thing in deed, but her own mother, Ren, had hated her as well, and thus, it was up to Natsume to break that cycle.

"I know you do, but this is how we're cursed, Natsume." Akito whispered lowly. “But it’s worse for you since you’re the Cat and the God.”

Natsume bared her teeth at her mother, the Cat surfacing within her soul. “I don’t care about that! I don’t want to be both! I want to break this damned curse, but you won’t tell me!”

Akito shrugged in a careless way as she kept her arms crossed against her chest.

“You and the new zodiac have to figure it out for yourselves, that’s how the first generation did it.” Natsume watched her mother leave with her eyes burning with hatred and loathing. The fifteen year old girl let out a growl of frustration and threw her pillow at nearby wall, before finally calming down.

The paper door slid open, allowing the visitor on the outside to come in. It was Natsume’s personal maid, and caretaker, Saya.

“Excuse me, Natsume-sama. Um, you’re going to be late for your appointment with Hatori-san.” Saya said quietly.

Natsume groaned and slowly rose to her feet, allowing her blue kimono to become straight. As Saya guided her out to the main hall, Natsume was greeted by several other servants and a few random members of the Sohma family. Natsume just politely ignored them and looked around.

The Sohma Main House was a huge complex, with most or all of the families of the Jyuunishi living together. But there were only eleven zodiac members born, including Natsume being both the God and the Cat. The last two, the Dog and the Rat were yet to be born.

“Natsume-sama, look out!” Came a cry. Natsume looked over just in time to see a small soccer ball headed straight for her.
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Jyuunishi - cursed members of the chinese zodiac.
-sama - an honorific added to the end of one's name to symbolize a rank or used as a sign of respect.