Status: Writing with Schiz.

Ties of the Past

Part Two: Arrival

Morgan Thomas-Sohma clung to the arm of her step-father, walking down the long gravel pathway towards the Sohma estate. Chichiri held on tightly to her skirt and would occasionally bury his face in the cloth.

"Remember to be on your best behavior," Shigure warned. "Don't look anyone in the eyes just yet, and only speak when spoken to."

"I'm part Sohma, too, you know," Morgan said indignantly. "My mother was a Sohma."

"Yes, and just like the others of your generation, you're exactly like her."

"I am nothing like my mother!" Morgan shouted. Shigure stopped them, putting his hands on both of her shoulders.

"You are strong, and brave and so very intelligent," he said to her as she stared at him defiantly, refusing to let her emotions overflow. "And we can't forget that wonderful Sohma temper." She smiled a little. "Yes, in some aspects, you are nothing like your mother." He tugged lightly on her blonde hair and his eyes flashed to his son. "But sometimes, you act just like her. Now come on, Mo-chan*, let's go meet your family."

They continued on their way and finally entered the grounds of the main Sohma home. Servants caught immediate sight of them; some dashed off, while others would come and greet Shigure and his new family. Many fawned over the seven year old Chichiri, who smiled at the attention, while others shot Morgan slow looks of recognition.

They followed Shigure through the maze of homes to reach a large home, where a woman with black hair watched them in the doorway.

"Akito," Shigure said, dipping his head to her. She returned the show of respect, then flew down the stairs to embrace Shigure tightly. He bent his head to whisper loving words in her ear.

Chichiri stared at Akito. "That was God," he whispered. "Mo-chan, she used to be God." Morgan turned to her brother, confused by his words.

"Sh, okay? We'll figure everything out soon." He stared at her, turned around slowly, then dashed back the way they had come. "Chichiri!" Morgan cried, vaulting after him.

"She's here!" he yelled over his shoulder, his seven year old frame turning a corner. Morgan turned the same corner only to bump into someone.

"I'm sorry-" she gasped, looking up. "Haa-san*!" Hatori Sohma smiled down at her.

"I'd gotten news that Shigure had come back from America. Welcome to the Sohma estate, Mo-chan."

"Thank you Haa-san." She looked around. "Have you seen Chichiri?" He stepped aside and Morgan saw Chichiri hugging a total stranger, tears falling from their eyes as they stared at each other. "Chichiri-!"

"It's her, Mo-chan. It's God." Morgan looked up at the face of the girl holding her little brother. She was reminded of the woman who had fallen so easily into Shigure's arms.

"My name is Natsume," she said to Chichiri. "I am the cat, too." Chichiri gasped and clutched at her, and Morgan had the feeling she would never be able to pull him away.

"Touching, isn't it?" said a quiet voice behind her. Morgan turned to find a boy about her age with white hair and black roots, and a younger girl with long, dark brown hair standing behind her. Hatori was nowhere in sight. The younger girl went to join the embrace while the boy eyed her, his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Imagine when everyone in the Zodiac is born. There will be enough waterworks to flood Japan."

"The Zodiac...?"

"Chichiri isn't the only one who can change forms. There isn't just the Rabbit in the Zodiac."

"But there's no cat in the Zodiac." He smiled.

"There is in the legend."
♠ ♠ ♠
*-chan -- an honorific that symbolizes how close people are; a symbol of endearment or friendship mainly for kids and girls.

*-san -- an honorific of respect

I couldn't find a good place to end this. Where I originally meant to left it too short. And after that I couldn't find a good spot. I tried. Sorry if it sucks.

<3 Schiz