When I Say Shotgun, You Say Wedding

I do not own Brendon Urie (though it would be nice to...) or any of the other members(current and former) of Panic! At the Disco. I do however own all of the original characters, as well as the plot to this story.
  1. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
    so...i started this story way back in 2006. 5 years later, and i still have yet to finish it. well...i now intend on completing this story!
  2. Funny how we keep meeting like this...
  3. "You remembered my name."
  4. I swear I probably wouldn't talk to him if it weren't for the fact that he's my boyfriend.
  5. I think he likes you.
  6. For it is plain as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be.
  7. I'd like to be that someone
  8. When you're right, you're right.
  9. Penguins don't quack.
  10. When you're this good looking, you don't have to make sense.
  11. A little rain never hurt anybody
  12. I think I'm falling in love with you.
  13. I'm not gay.
  14. I can be a lot of things when I want to be.
  15. Anything for you, sweets.
  16. Love is just one big risk.
  17. Do you love him?
  18. There won't always be a place for you here.
  19. You act as if I'm not madly in love with you.
  20. Go in there and make some fan girls happy.
  21. It's not like you're a virgin or anything.
  22. Does it matter all that much to you?
  23. You really need to grow up.
  24. I've never been more sure of anything in my life.
  25. It isn't every day that someone makes us a bed shaped cake.
  26. What does this mean?
  27. Do you want to tell her or should I?
  28. All I want is for you to feel as broken as I do.
  29. For the love of God, don’t ever forget how important you are to me.
  30. When did my side of this story get lost in your pity party?
  31. We’re a little family.
  32. This is a door best left unopened .
  33. I’d say yes before his knee even hit the ground.
  34. Your heart wants what it wants, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  35. Instead of staying bitter, why don’t you just get over it?
  36. We’re a real couple now.
  37. I'll send all my loving to you
  38. You never thought this would happen, did you?
  39. Whatever the lady wants, the lady gets.
  40. Start accepting this for what it is.
  41. Something’s always up, you know this.
  42. How could he do this to me?
  43. I just wanted my little girl back.
  44. It's obvious, what you have to do.
  45. I need to keep you safe.
  46. How’d a guy like Brendon get a pretty girl like you?
  47. At the end of the day, I’m going home with him.
  48. It looks like you've got yourself a new little sister!
  49. You did not just bring The Spice Girls up in here!
  50. Who wouldn't want a picture with you?!?
  51. Do you ever wish you were dating someone more normal?
  52. Well, I guess it's just you and me kid.
  53. No matter what, today is gunna be a good day.
  54. Things are gunna be a little different around here.
  55. This probably won’t end well.
  56. Just live your life.
  57. You need to figure out what you want.
  58. Talk about bad timing...
  59. I ruined it. I ruined everything.
  60. Aside from the fact that she’s our friend, I know what she’s going through.
  61. Well guys, we’ve got our work cut out for us.