Conscience Letters

Dear Sad-excuse-for-a-conscience,

Dear Sad-excuse-for-a-conscience,

Own up to your mistakes! Instead of "Oh yeah, I may have done this...But! Everyone else is to blame."

I'm terribly sorry that you think nothing is your fault, because it really is. Just sayin'.

And it was your job to mold me as a person! How dare you even bring my parents into this?! You're the reason that they aren't speaking to me!

If you hate this job so much, why'd you take it?! Hrmn?! "It's just too damn bad; That's just how the cookie crumbles." Isn't that how you put it?

I'm really, really, really sorry that I cannot fire you. Can I at least put a request in for someone different, someone better? Because you obviously cannot own up to the mistakes you've made with me.

With Regrets,