Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans


"Really?! You're gonna play that game?" My best friend Amy squeals.

"Hell yeah! The Game of Life is the best board game ever!" I retort.

"It's also the ONLY board game you can make it through without
getting bored!"

"Then let's play bitch! I'm gonna whoop your ass!" I challenge.

"You're on! I'll make a loser of you yet!" Amy taunts back before
sticking out her tongue at me.

~2 Hours Later~

"Okay so you bet me both rounds, are you cheating missy?" Amy
jokes, trying to not let her super competitive nature take over.

"Pfft! I'm just super skilled!" I manage to tell her before a snort
of laughter bubbles out.

"Well I'm gonna call it a night, I have to be up unbelievably early
tomorrow for practice, coach wants us to really work on our distance
breaststroke. I hate that damned stroke, it'll be the death of me one
day!" Amy rants. She hates her coach, but swim team is her life. That
girl had chlorine pumping in her veins, it was even her "perfume."

I walked Amy to the door, gave her a big hug, and made sure she made
it her car before heading back in the house and going back to my room.
I felt the need to unwind by playing The Sims 3. Before long I got a
text from Amy.

"Hey girl I made it home, I'm sure your super controlling ass is
playing The Sims again. Lol Love ya girl. Night!"

Damn she had me down to a 'T.' But then again we'd been best
friends since kindergarten, and we were now seniors in high school on
the verge of graduating. But she was right, I was a control freak, I
had to have myself mapped out and everything planned out or else I'd
lose it. I hate uncertainty and surprises. I had everything I wanted in
my future planned out from what college and major I wanted to when I
wanted kids and how many, even where I wanted to retire and be buried.
But none of that mattered after what happened the next morning, my
life was irreversibly changed by him and his plans.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just started this story yesterday... I'm posting the first three chapters since my knee is killing me and I can't sleep/: