Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

Dirty Diaper Duty for You

 Adar arrived almost immediately after Momma Ann and I finished talking. He hugged me close and gave me a huge kiss before launching an interrogation, making sure I was okay.

 "Baby, I'm fine chill out." I told him, biting back a giggle. "Momma Ann wants to do a check up, and I would like to actually know just how far along I am."

 "Sounds like a plan to me. And thank you Ms. Kemble, for everything." I could tell he was trying to fight his instinct to fight her tooth and nail, and it was just to keep me happy.

 "Not a problem at all, now let's get going." She smiled warmly at us.

 Thirty minutes later Momma Ann was giving me an ultrasound at her clinic. We had called Amy and told her to met us here, she had been at her swim meet but left as soon as it was over. I wanted to wait for any news until Amy got there, as my best friend I knew she should be there and would kill me if she wasn't.

 "I'm here!" Amy's chipper, yet tired after another long and grueling swim meet, voice rang out throughout the deserted clinic.

 "Hurry up girl! This jelly is cold and I want to know already!" I jested.

 "Coming darling! I hope you haven't dished out any information without me!"

 "We've been waiting on you deary!" I giggled as she came into the examination room.

 "Well your babies are doing fine and you are about six weeks along." Momma Ann smiled at me.

 "That's great!" I squealed before letting all of her words sink in. "WAIT! 'Babies?' What do you mean?" I practically screamed, making Adar flinch at the high pitch of my voice.

 "Yes, you're pregnant with twins." Momma Ann laughed.

 "Oh shit, ohhhh shit! That can't be right! I don't think I can handle this." I sobbed, grasping onto Adar's hand for support, silently cursing my hormones for making me cry like this.

 "We can handle it Elizabeth, we have each other. And plus two babies means twice the joy and love." Adar told me, smoothing out my hair and placing a kiss on top of my head.

 "Thank you baby." I smiled, my tears slowing down. "But you're getting dirty diaper duty baby, that outta make us even."
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Hopefully this chapter was good by y'all's standards! :) Can't wait for prom this weekend! <3