Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

New Plans Anyone?

  The rest of the evening went rather smoothly. Amy and I caught up on all the things we missed in each others' lives lately. It made me sad knowing that we were growing apart, especially since before everything happened we were closer than anything, even essentially finishing each others' sentences. But now I was a demon's mate, learning to use my own powers to fight off my brother-in-law due to an old prophecy, and oh yeah a mother to be.

 "It's funny how drastically things can change in just a short span of time." Amy remarked, summing up both of our thoughts.

  "It's just so surreal, I just don't how to cope with it all. My parents are gone and I can't stop missing them, but grieving like a mad woman won't bring them back. And now I'm having demon twins, life just keeps getting ahead of my original plans by traveling at the speed of light." I sighed.

 "You've always got me chica, and now it's time for you to make new plans. You're more than strong enough to bounce back on your feet. Besides, Adar and you need to be strong for your twins." Amy told me, wiping the tears that had begun their slow descent down my cheeks. 

  "You're right, but it's terrifying to move onward when the future is so unsure. I'm scared of ruining my kids' lives, of letting you or Adar down, and of feeling like I didn't get to really accomplish enough in my life. But I guess having these fears is normal for any expecting woman, huh?" I poured my heart out to Amy, knowing she would understand where I was coming from and could offer me some comfort.

  "It's completely normal to be freaking out about these things. But you have to remember that you have people, like Adar and myself, who are here to help you in any way possible. And I know you're going to do just fine, you always come through on top." Amy reassured me, making me feel a little bit more at ease.

  "Thank you, I needed that." I smiled weakly. "But I better head home, I'm tired and I'm sure Adar is waiting for me. Bye Amy! I'll get a new cell phone so I can stop using Adar's every time I wanna bug you, he never has his phone anymore." I giggled.

  "Bye chica! Hopefully you can come back over tomorrow!" Amy exclaimed, hugging me tightly before I transported myself home.

  I arrived in the kitchen, none of the lights were on so I blindly stumbled around until I found the switch and flipped it. I immediately saw a note taped up on the fridge, I noticed it was written in a hurry and hastily tacked on. It read:

              Dear Elizabeth,
 I'm sorry I'm not there with you, I had to go and speak to a friend about finding a way to hide you better from Damien. Be back tomorrow, stay safe and if anything happens, go to Amy's.
                   I love you,

  "There you are, I was waiting for you to finally arrive. My pesky brother won't be able to come to your aid now." I tried to whirl around and face Damien, but before I could do anything he hit me over the head and I was out cold.
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Sorry it took so long, I had leadership camp last week and spent a lot of time out with my friends. Hope you enjoy! ^_^