Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

Where Art Thou Prince Charming?

  I awoke with a start, instinctively placing my hand over my still flat stomach. It was dark and very damp, I had no clue where I was or even what time it was. Slowly the memory of Damien kidnapping me came back to me. It was then I made a choice, to be brave and fierce, no matter the fact that I was scared shitless.

  "Where are you Damien? What the fuck do you want with me?" I snarled, being careful not to let it slip that I was pregnant.

  "I'm right here," he whispered in a spooky tone right next to me. "And you're here as bait to lure my baboon of a brother into my trap so I can finally get rid of him."

  "You guys obviously have some deep rooted issues between the two of you, but here's the big deal: I'm not a part of this issue. Let me go, or I will make you pay through the nose." I snarled, getting ready to thrash him.

 "Calm down you little bitch, you play a bigger part than you know. But that's beside the point, and don't even think about trying to escape or use your powers on me. Do you see that pentagram you're sitting in? Note the symbols etched in it, those prevent a demon from using any and all of their powers. So you're stuck there until after I dispose of that," he crinkled his nose to show his utter disgust, "worthless thing you call a mate. Then you can be my mate and we'll be able to take charge of all the demons and unite them to wipe out all of the other species, making demons the top dogs again."

 "Has anyone ever told you just how insane you truly are? There's no way I would EVER help you do that! Unlike you, I care about people. And I love Adar, not you! So go to hell and don't ever bother Adar or myself again!" I screamed at him.

  "You'll shut up and do as I tell you to you little bitch! I'm calling the shots here and you better start treating me with respect or I may decide you're not worth the concern." He snarled menacingly.

  "As I said earlier, go to hell! I would rather be in the care of Hannibal Lector than you!" I screamed, close to snapping.

  "I don't have time to deal with your ranting, I have more serious matters to attend to." And with that I heard him turn on his heel and storm up the stairs, leaving me alone in the damp basement.

  As soon as he slammed the door at the top of the stairs shut, I knew I could relax. I let out a deep breath, trying to keep myself from getting too worked up for the sake of not only my own health, but also the babies' health. "Well it looks like I get to play the part of the damsel in distress, awaiting my dear prince charming to come and rescue me." I sighed, rolling my eyes. I hated being helpless, it was not who I was. But then again, I wasn't entirely sure of exactly who I was anymore. I wasn't exactly human as I once believed myself to be. And I was having to change all of my previous plans now, no more getting to be a doctor or a normal mother. But yet, I was content with myself, other than the damsel in distress part, I was still strong, compassionate, and as smart as ever. I just had merely altered my plans to
accommodate my new lifestyle. So here I was, roughing it out until my prince charming came dashing in to the rescue. "Where art thou Prince Charming?" I sighed, somewhat bemused at my joke.      
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So it's been storming like crazy here! Tornado sirens yet again went off (But luckily no tornadoes) So here's an Easter present to y'all, sorry it took so long to write I've been much too busy lately! So here it goes, chapter twelve! ^_^