Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

A New Hope

I awoke abruptly, there was a loud crash on the floor above my head. I heard foot steps and could tell they were running, there were two or three pairs of feet up there, it sounded like they were fighting. And it was more than just a scrimmage, the frantic speed of the footsteps, interrupted by loud crashes every few seconds. I sat upright, silent begging for that to be Adar coming to my rescue and that he was beating the piss out of Damien.

The footsteps approached where I knew to be the door at the top of the stairs, leading to where I was trapped in this horrid basement. Suddenly the door was flung open, as if an enraged animal had tried to rip the door of its hinges. I squinted at the intense brightness that was flooding through the now open doorway.

"Elizabeth, are you down there?!" Adar's frantic voice boomed as he scanned for me.

"I'm down here! I'm trapped in a pentagram, be careful! Is Damien dead?" I replied hoarsely, my tone bursting at the seam with worry and fear.

"I'll be right there! And unfortunately no, he was able to teleport, but not before I thrashed him rather nicely." Adar told me as he came bounding down to my rescue. He took a pocket knife out and quickly scraped off a chunk of the pentagram's outline. After wards he quickly put up his knife, and extended his hand to me, helping me to my feet. I stood up to quickly and felt a little bit dizzy which caused me to stumble backwards a few steps.

"Are you okay?" Adar questioned, the worry incredibly evident in his voice, as he looked me over, searching for any injuries or other signs of abuse from Damien. After over a minute of intense searching, he found no signs of abuse and seemed satisfied.

"I'm fine, I just stood up too fast." I assured him. "How long have I been here?"

"It's been about a day and a half since," he let loose a terrifying growl to show his anger, "Damien stole you. But now I not the time to discuss this, we need to get home and pack."

"Pack?" I asked confused. "Where are we going?"

"My friend I went to go see has the perfect place for us to stay while we figure out how to deal with Damien once and for all." Adar explained, and as soon as he finished his explanation we teleported back into our own living room. "We're only taking the essentials, clothes, toiletries, and the things Paris needs." He said before hurrying off to pack his things.

"Paris, come here girl!" I called out, seeing my dog instantly bound to my side in response. "Well it's time to pack," I sighed, looking down at Paris as I scratched in between her eyes, just the way she liked.

I made sure to pack loose fitting clothing, I knew I would be getting bigger 'round the waist since it would take quite some time for us to be able to completely take care of Damien. After packing all of my clothes, I made my way into the bathroom Adar and I shared and gathered everything I needed so that I wouldn't stink. Lastly Adar joined me after packing all of his things to pack up the food and toys for Paris. I noticed that he had a bag he had put a pad lock on, he caught me looking at it and hastily moved it out of sight in the pile of luggage we had composed.

"Are you ready? You sure we packed everything we need?" Adar asked me, he seemed distracted though, as if his focus was a million miles away.

"I'm as sure as I'll ever be. Let's go," I replied, taking hold of Adar's hand and Paris' collar. He grabbed hold of our bags and teleported us into the living room of a very small and charming cabin.
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Action and filler(: Hopefully y'all like it! Currently listening to my class read aloud "Death of a Salesman" It's rather boring XD
Title Credit- Star Wars Episode IV