Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

The Triple 'S' Threat

I got up at 5:30 the next morning to take my dog, Paris, out for a
bike ride on the trails in the woods behind my house like I did every
morning. We geared up and headed out for our normal ten mile run. She
ran alongside me without the leash, free and happy. After five miles
we stopped to rest and drink some water and give Paris a chance to
re cooperate a little before we headed back so I could take a shower
and get ready for school.

We'd been sitting on the side of the trail for about ten minutes
when a tall, black haired guy about my age gracefully strode out of
the thick cluster of trees that surrounded the trail. He was tan and a
little bit better built than average, but not overly muscled. He was
dressed in ripped up jeans, a gray tee, and tennis shoes.

I just sat there like a stump, shocked that someone else, let alone
a hot guy my age, would come into the woods this early. My nearest
neighbors were all elderly and all their grand kids were much younger
than me. He on the other hand, noticed me immediately. He strode over
to me, grinning.

"What the fuck dude?!" I screamed, causing Paris to quickly leaping
to her feet and growling at the intruder.

"Such language from such a gorgeous girl," he exclaimed, finishing
with a flurry of his hand to help me off the ground.

"And who're you to judge how I speak? You're not from here, you're
just some creep wondering around the woods." I said, slapping his hand
away from me, gazing into his red eyes. 'WAIT! RED EYES?!' Flashed
through my mind.

"You're right, I'm definitely not from here. But you'll do well to
not speak to me in that manner again, I demand that you apologize to
me and respect me." Mr. Scary-Sexy-Stranger growled at me. "And yes, I
have red eyes. I'm not human. But neither are you Elizabeth, yes I
know your name I know a lot more than you think. You are to be my
mate, and I am here to collect you. You may bring your growling bitch
along with us, but we must leave at once before anyone sees us."

"What mental hospital did you escape from you freak?!"

"Shut up, we have to leave now." He once again growled before
grabbing my arm and Paris' collar.

The next instant I heard a whoosh and felt weightless. It came to
me, we were traveling and he definitely was not human.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a lot longer on my iPod XD