Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

Underneath It All

I sat in the living room, reading "The Shining." I found it really hard to focus, it was about noon and Adar was making egg salad sandwiches for lunch, so thus I had some quiet time to think about becoming mates. On the one hand, I had a very strong gut feeling he was the one. However, I didn't believe two people could know each other for such a short time and know they were right for each other. In order to be truly happy together you had to really know each other, love the real them underneath it all. I barely knew him, sure he told me a lot about himself and I told him just as much, but I didn't truly know him. How did I know he wasn't going to try and kill me? He is a demon after all, and he did kidnap me.

  "What do you think girl? Should I give it a shot?" I ask Paris, she just looks up at me and lays her head back down on my lap. "I guess I'm going for it then." I mumble.

  "Going for what?" Adar questions as he walks into the room with the sandwiches and salt and vinegar chips.

  "I'll go for being your mate. I don't really have any other options now." I sigh. "I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, it's just that I quite basically had my entire life planned out, and everything that's happened in the past three days has really screwed everything up. I'm utterly lost and don't know what else to do."

  "I understand, I would rather it was under much different circumstances. So we could get to properly know each other. We are destined to be mates, but that doesn't mean being rushed into it is any easier." He says, looking like he's worried about saying the wrong thing and upsetting me. "Just wait right there, I got something I think you'll want." He says, springing up from the couch and running upstairs. He returned a few minutes later with my photo albums. "I went by your house while you were asleep and I got these because I figured you'd like pictures of your family and everything."

  "Thank you so much Adar! That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!" I gushed, and almost as if my lips had a mind of their own, I found myself kissing him. And the next thing I knew we were tearing each others clothes off in the bedroom and then going at it.

  After wards we laid there with me in his arms, tired and incredibly satisfied. "I'm not usually so forward like that, I had never even done more than kissing before..." I said, embarrassed for doing that after knowing him for such a short time.

  "It's the pull between two demons who are destined to be mates. Don't be embarrassed, that was my first time too. And now we're half way mated so the pull is even stronger between us now." He explained, his gaze never wavering from my eyes. "the next part of the mating ceremony is the markings, we could do that now if you'd like..." 
  "Okay, so we just bite each others necks essentially?" I questioned, getting a nod in response. "Here goes nothing," I said nervously before extending my mouth up to his neck. Then I bit him, right on the jugular, barely breaking the skin but still drawing blood.

  "Now your turn," he said grinning. He quickly found my jugular and bit down a little harder than I had. But it felt good, like it was supposed to be. Just the way it felt when we had sex. "Now you are officially my mate. Now to teach you how to use your powers mon ange." He beamed proudly, pulling me into an incredibly tight hug. We snuggled together and soon we were dead to the world. 
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Hopefully y'all still like this story! :)
Title song credit- "Underneath It All" by Nine Inch Nails