Status: Active(:

Unexpected Plans

Picking Up the Pieces

The weeks passed quickly, Adar and I were rarely ever apart. He had taught me how to use and control my powers, I had learned to harness the energy in water and was able to manipulate it to move and do as I pleased. I also had learned how to teleport, beginning with moving just a few feet at a time to arriving back on Earth. I also had learned how to heal and fly due to my angel powers. At first all of the power lessons were overwhelming, but Adar helped me make my way through all of it and now I knew how to use them in manners I could never have imagined. 

 Luckily, there had been no signs of Damian. I was growing less and less nervous of him coming after me as Adar and I spent more and more time together. I had fallen hard for him, very hard. Even Paris seemed to like him, which was weird because she rarely liked any males. She hadn't even liked Amy to begin with, but that was just because Amy was a werewolf. I had gone back to visit her every week, it was weird at first being separated, but we quickly adjusted to this new schedule as if it was the way things had always been. Her mom knew now, she had been less than thrilled with me being a demon's mate and that I was learning to use my powers. (Werewolves and Demons had always feuded.) But she came to except it, and soon enough I was back to being her second daughter. 

 The human authorities still thought a wild animal had killed my parents and dragged me off, it was easier than returning back to everything. I had Amy collect all of my things from my house, and the house had been sold not long after wards. I missed my parents terribly, but I kept trudging forward like I knew they would want me to. Adar made things easier on me, he did everything he could to make my transition smooth, and I was eternally grateful for that.

 In addition to his lessons on how to use my powers, Adar taught me fighting both hand to hand and with powers. He was gearing me up to be as protected from Damian as I could possibly be. I went from a weak human to an incredibly powerful demon's mate. I felt strong and ready to tackle whatever came next. However, nothing could have prepared me for what happened next, absolutely nothing.
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This was really more of a filler chapter, I hope to have the next chapter out either today or tomorrow(: I'm working on updating my "I'm a What? And I Have to What?" story, that chapter *should* be out tonight, but I have to study for PreCal tonight too/: