‹ Prequel: Going Somewhere

You Better Pray

Earn My Keep

Alice hadn't realized exactly how hungry she was before she started eating. She was amazed that her hunger had made the food all the more better; it was delicious to begin with. Florence sat back in her chair, watching Alice. Just watching; still wondering how she would convince Alice that she had made a horrible mistake.

"Excuse me while I go talk to Roxy for a minute. Don't go anywhere, okay?" She more commanded than questioned. Alice nodded, to engrossed in her food to really pay attention. It had been three days since she had eaten. She didn't want to spend unnecessary money on the trip here.

"Roxy, I want to make her understand that she doesn't belong here; That she belongs back home, not in this cruel city. But, at the same time, I don't want to push it too much.... Ya' know?" Florence spoke as she grabbed a seat at the bar.

"I understand, Echo, I understand. You have to see it this way, though; If she doesn't want to go back home, you can't make her stay there. Even if you turned her in, she would be right back on a bus, with a one-way ticket, here the first chance she got."

"You're right. If she doesn't want to go back home, I cannot make her. There's an extra bed at my house for as long as she wants it; Even if I can't afford it..." Florence sighed, "Will you help me familiarize her with the town?" She looked at her best friend with pleading eyes.

Roxy sighed and placed a warm smile on her face, "Of course I will, darling."

"Great! Excellent! I'll call you later about it." Florence smiled as she leaned over the counter to hug Roxy; before bouncing back to the booth Alice was sitting at.

"Hey, are you ready?" She asked as Alice finished her meal with the last bit of juice.

"Yes, of course. Whenever you are. I can't thank you enough." Florence offered a slight nod before going off to pay, leaving Alice to gather her things and straighten up the table a bit. They met at the door where Florence blew Roxy a kiss before stepping out into the crisp night air.

Florence led Alice through the streets about ten fifteen blocks. It was a series of buses with quite a bit of walking; during which Florence helped Alice carry her bags. The two finally found themselves in front of a semi-decent apartment building. It wasn't the best, but certainly was the worst, either.

"I live on the sixth floor," Florence stated as she entered the building, Alice following close behind. "but there is an elevator. Apartment F9, if you were wondering." Alice nodded to show that she was listening. "Most of the neighbors will keep to themselves; You wont need to worry about those ones. On the left of my apartment is Misses Smith; She's really nice. On the right is Mister and Misses Wade; They will help you out with anything that they can. True sweethearts, right there." The elevator stopped and the doors opened, Florence was the first to step out. "Across the hall is Jason... He's a jerk." Florence tilted her head towards apartment F8 as she dropped Alice's bag on the floor, and messing with the key for a second. "Here we are. It's not much, but it is home."

"It looks really cozy." Alice commented as she took in the surroundings. The apartment was small but liveable. The first room held a ragged couch, coffee table, and television. Straight across from the entrance was the kitchen. It was plain, simple... usable. Off to the left was a hall that led to three doors; which Alice presumed to be the bedrooms and bathroom.

"Here, I'll show you to your room." Florence began down the hallway, and Alice followed obediently. They stopped at the first door on the right. "Make it yours. Bathroom is down the hall on the right..." She paused, "I'll leave you to get settled. Let me know if you need anything."

Alice dropped her bags on the floor and laid on the bed. "You really should be thankful, Alice. Florence means well; She is just trying to give you a fighting chance in this city. You need to thank her in the morning. Make sure she knows that you appreciate this." Alice spoke aloud, not intending for anyone but herself to hear. A smile graced Florence's face as she pushed off the wall right outside of the door. Knowing that Alice was thankful was all that she needed to make her day.

Alice awoke later to the smell of pancakes. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before venturing towards the smell. As she made her way down the hallway, Alice noticed a clock that she hadn't seen the night before; It was eight o' seven am.

When she reached the kitchen, she leaned against the door frame and watched Florence. Florence was cooking and seemed so incredibly happy behind the stove. Alice had decided that it was safe to go in and lean against the counter until the other girl had noticed her.

"Good morning," Florence said with a smile. She was always smiling; even in the most serious of moments, a small smile hinted at her lips.

"Anything that I can help with, Florence?" She shook her head "no," as she placed a pan into the sink along with the other dishes; Alice scooped it up and began washing the dishes. The last thing that she wanted was for Florence to think she was a mooch. Alice was determined to earn her keep, no matter what it took.

"Oh! I'll get that later, Ali!"

"It's the least I can do, especially with all that you're doing for me. I will earn my keep; I promise you that much." Florence fixed them both a plate and smiled a response as Alice quickly finished the dishes. Florence slowly picked at her pancake, eagerly waiting for Alice to react. As Alice gathered a bite on her fork, Florence unconsciously leaned forward in her seat. She held her breath, waiting for a response.

"Wow, these are really good!" Florence's face lit up.

"You really mean that?! They're my Hawaiian Pancakes... I thought them up myself."

"You could be a chef... for real, Florence. I'm not just saying that." Florence beamed; there's nothing like being told that you're good at what you love. Even if it was Florence's second love.

"I am! At the Silver Dollar Diner; the one we were at last night."

"Oh, I had no idea! Well, you're really good."

"Thanks! Okay... So I've got to go to class, then work. I know that this is unfair, but I am begging you not to leave this apartment. At least, not until Roxy and I show you the ropes. I wont be back until five this afternoon." Florence instructed, leaving her plate on the table and rushing to get her things. "Roxy will let herself in, so don't freak out. Uhm, you pretty much have free reign. Computer is in my room. Help yourself to it." Florence said her hand on the door knob.

"Thank you. Have a good day, Florence."

"Try not to get too antsy... I'll see you later." With that Florence was off, leaving Alice to take in her surroundings; for real this time.

Alice sighed as she saw the clutter. Florence was busy, she could tell that much, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Alice straightened the clutter up until about twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Satisfied with her work, Alice returned to her new room and unpacked what little she had. Looking at the trinkets she had grabbed, tears came to her eyes. Stuff her mom had bought her, things her friends had given her, letters from her dad. They made her long for home, but she quickly whisked away that thought and navigated her way to Florence's bedroom.

She wanted to look up agencies and open calls, as well as a place to get a GED on the cheap. Alice had been in such a hurry to get out of town, that she didn't even think about not having her diploma. She had forgotten the list of agencies and open calls that she had prepared, prior to leaving. Alice mentally slapped herself as she sat down on the couch with the computer. For an hour she made a list of everything that she needed to know.

Roxy came in, not too long after she had finished, singing. Roxy truly ha a beautiful voice. It was the voice of an angel. When she sang, she sounded her age; she sounded mature. Not like when she spoke, when she spoke she sound youthful... bright... bubbly. Roxy had to be in her late thirties... maybe older; But she sure didn't look it.

"Hey, Darlin'! Are you settled yet?"

Alice smiled up at Roxy, "Yeah, I am. Florence is really nice."

"You know, I think you're the only one that she let's call her by her given name. She wants the rest of us to call her 'Echo.'" Roxy said as she hung her purse on the back of the door. "She went through hell when she first got here, you know? She just wants to save you from the things she had to go through to make it this far. She likes you, kid. You're like a kid sister to her. Only because she's not old enough to be your mother." Roxy chuckled. It was true, Florence was only twenty-three; Barely an adult herself.

"At first, I just went along with it because she threatened to call the cops. That would've ruined everything; but, I realize that she means well. I really appreciate everything that she's done and doing for me." The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes. "How likely is it for me to get a job without a diploma?"

Roxy sighed, "Unless you're good with construction, or selling your soul... not likely. Although, you don't have to worry about a job yet; Echo and I will get you situated. There has got to be a community program for GED's that we can help you find.

"Anyway! Tell me about yourself... I'm dying to know your story." Alice hesitated before replying. She was afraid that Roxy would think that she was a spoiled, ungrateful brat. Inside, Alice knew that she was.

"Well, I am from Empire, Michigan. It's a really small town where everyone gets married young, has babies, and works in the factory. No college, no fun, no life, no anything." Alice spoke about her once-home with disgust. "They all told me that I wouldn't make it... That I never had a chance. My parents didn't even think that I had a shot, at all. And they're supposed to be the ones encouraging you, right?

"Well, that's what I thought at least... But everyone was telling me that I'd fail. Everyone told me to give up my 'silly dream.' So, I left. I'm going to prove them all wrong." Roxy nodded.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen; I'll be seventeen in a six months."

"You're really young to make that long of a trip." Roxy commented.

"I did it, though. I'm going to prove them all wrong. Roxy, I will do it; One way or another."

Alice and Roxy traded stories about their lives and dreams until Florence came home. Florence wasn't her usual happy self, but forced a smile anyway.

"It looks really nice in here, Ali." Florence commented as she threw herself on the couch. "I hope that I can keep you for a while." She joked.

Over the next few months, the three women grew closer. Alice was beginning to fit in really well with the two of them, and even managed to snag a job at the diner. She vowed to pay Roxy and Florence back for all their trouble, because she knew that she would've never made it on her own. Once she got a gig, everything would be okay.

"How did the casting call go, hun?" Roxy asked with hope as Alice dropped her purse behind the counter.

"Not well, they said that I needed to take lessons." Alice replied with a huff. "Florence tries not to let on, but money is tight. I know it is, and I know that it's my fault."

"Money is always tight. You're helping out the best you can, she doesn't blame you at all."

"I suppose you're right. Thank you, Roxy. What would I do without you?" Alice forced a smile before grabbing an order pad, and walking towards a gentleman who had been waiting.

"What can I get you tonight?" Alice questioned, readying her pen.

"Yeah, I'll have a number four." He said with a creepy smile. "I couldn't help but to overhear your conversation with Roxy. I can help you with your money troubles." He took a card out of his jacket pocket and pressed it into Alice's hand. "Give me a call if you decide to give it a go." Alice squirmed in his gaze.

"Your food will be ready in a bit." Alice replied as she walked a way. Before shoving the card into her purse, she glanced at it.

Jason McRoy
Entertainment Services
(555) 543-5555