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My One and Only True Love?

Chapter 20 Engaged

(Iz’s POV)
So Tyler and I are at Melinda and Jack’s for dinner and awkwardly Tony is here too. When Tony leaves the dining room for a smoke, Tyler and I think it is the best time to tell Melinda and Jack. So while we are all sitting down, I slip my engagement ring out of my pocket and put it in my hand. Then Tyler says “Melinda, Jack, Ace has something to tell you?”
They gave us questioning looks then said “What is it?”
Then I slipped my engagement ring on my finger and said “Ty and I are getting married!!”
Melinda was the first one to speak “Oh my god Iz that’s great!!!”
Then Jack said “Congrats guys!”
Melinda said to me “Okay let us see the bling”
I laughed and stuck out my hand. Then Melinda said “Holy crap look at that rock!!”
We all laughed, until we heard Tony come back in. I got up and told everyone “I’ll be right back”
Then I went into the kitchen where Tony was standing against the countertop. Then he said “You’re marrying him?”
Then I said “Yes I am”
Then he said “He isn’t even your species? He’s a werewolf for Christ sakes!!”
I blew out a breathe then said “That doesn’t matter to me, he makes me happy and I love him”
Then Tony gave me this disgusted look then just left.
After he left I went back to the dining room I just said “Well that went better than I thought”
I sat next to Ty and he rubbed my back. Then Jack said “Well let’s bring out the champagne for the happy couple” Ty and I smiled.
When Melinda and I were alone in the kitchen, while the guys were in the backyard, Melinda came next to me and said “I’m really happy for you Iz. I can tell he really makes you happy”
I smiled and said “He does. He sweet and kind and gentle, but is assertive and powerful. I love him very much”
Melinda smiled and said “Can I ask you something?”
Then I said “Lin of course. What is it?”
Melinda looked nervous then she said “What about children? You know he going to want children to lead the pack some day and you know that it’s not possible for you two? He’s a werewolf and you’re a vampire, how would that work?”
I exhaled and said “Tyler and I both knew what we were getting into when we decided to be together. We know that children are impossible for us and we accept that”
“Are you saying that to convince me or yourself?”
I looked at her shocked and said “Why are you spoiling this? I tell you I’m getting married and you seem happy and you are interrogating me.”
Lin looked at me and said “I’m opening your eyes to reality. When you were with Tony, you could have children because your human charaterics allow you to have children, but with Tyler you can’t. You say you know what I’m talking about, but have you actually spoke to Tyler about this? I’m only looking out for you.”
Before I could put a rebuttal the guys came back in then Jack said “Is everything alright?”
I looked at Jack then said “Yeah, but I’m suddenly not feeling well so I think Tyler and I should go home”
Jack looked at Melinda and I then said “Alright”
Then Tyler and I left and went home. When I went into the living room to lay on the couch Tyler came next me and said “What was that about with Melinda?”
“Yes it was. Tell me.”
“Melinda just brought up a sore subject that’s all”
“And what was this sore subject?”
I turned my head and gave a sad look at Tyler then said “She looked at me like I was stupid when she told me whether I knew that you and I cannot have children. And that you are going to want a child to run the pack in the future and how because I cannot have children with you because you are a werewolf and I am a vampire. I swear it seems like she secretly doesn’t want us to be together, like she doesn’t want me to be happy”
“You know that isn’t true. Yes I would like to have a child with you, but I understand that we aren’t able to. I realize that we wouldn’t be able to when we decided to be together.”
“I know that, it’s just that bringing it up just gets on my nerves because it reminds me that when it comes to that I can never give you a child. And I know that you want one, it just hurts that because you chose me I can never give you that.”
He put me in the sitting position and held my hands and said “I chose to be with you because I love you. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to have children with you when I realized my attraction for you. But us not being able to have a child doesn’t make me love you any less”
I kissed his hand and said “You know if you want, after we are married and you still want a child, you there are alternatives?”
He looked at me strangely and said “And what alternatives are you talking about?”
“I would be married to you, but I can’t have children with you. But you can still have children with someone else”
“Like you would share me with another woman just so I can have children?”
“No. When I first told you I loved you I meant it just like I mean it still. But I will not be with another woman except you. Because we cannot have children, I discussed it with Luke, and because we can’t have children his son will lead the pack in the future.”
I gave him a sad look and said “But if you had a child you wouldn’t have to do that”
“I said I will not do that. Now I love you because you are selfless especially when it comes to us, but I will not be with another woman just because we can’t have kids together. I love you and I will only love you. So let’s just forget about this because my answer will always be the same. Okay?”
He started massaging my hip then said “Now how about we go have some fun?”
“What kind of fun?”
“Mmm, well it involves a lot of touching”
“Awe what kind of touching?”
He skimmed the curve of my breast and said “Like this. And sans clothes.”
“Awe now that sounds fun. Why don’t we get started?” Then I pulled off his shirt and started running my fingers over his abs.
(Tony’s POV) In California
I can’t believe she is marrying a werewolf. It took everything I had in me to leave and not tear him apart. I thought eventually she would come back to me and give up this infatuation that she has with him. But no I come to find out they are getting married and she loves him. Please they cannot even have children together, I could give her that. What the hell is wrong with her?
When we got divorced I hid my emotions from her and just acted neutral. Afterwards I would have sex with any willing bimbo that would want to sleep with me. Then tell them to get out. But even with that it seems I’ve become obsessed with trying to find my daughter Sofia. I guess trying to find her gives me some sort of meaning even though I know that she is dead by now. And maybe in the back of my mind I think it will bring Iz back to me.
As of right now I’m at this club that is exclusively for vampires because I have heard rumors that they have seen someone that knows information about what happened to my daughter. So I’m here looking for someone called Ivan that is supposedly the oldest vampire left.
I see someone that is matching his description, in the VIP area, watching a woman get fed on. He looks to be 6’5 with black hair and is wearing a custom made suite. I go up to him and say “Hello my name is Antonio and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?”
“I know who you are. You’re the one everyone has said has been asking for me in regards to a little girl that was kidnapped”
“Yes my daughter Sofia. I was wondering if you had heard anything about her whereabouts back then? I had heard that you were around that area when it happened”
“Yes I was. I had heard that a little girl was kidnapped from her home. The only reason I paid attention to this was not because she was human, that’s typical for a vampire to take people from their homes and feed on them, but because her parents were vampires and so was everyone else in the home.”
“Yes. Do you know what happened to her?”
“Yes I do.”
“What happened to my daughter?”
“How badly do you want to find out? What will you be willing to do?”
“I’ll do anything to know what happened to her. My wife and I went searching for her for many years and we never heard a word from anyone about what happened to her.”
“I’ll tell you what. If you get your wife also I’ll find out specifically who took her and why. But you and your wife have to prove to me how much you would be willing to do to find out what happened.”
“Well I would have to convince her because she doesn’t want to find out because it hurts her too much”
“I can wait I have nothing but time. If you want to get in contact with me, ask anyone here, they know where I am when I’m not here”
“Alright. Thank you.”
With that I left to go home and call Izzie. But when I called she didn’t pick up. So I called Jack and Melinda and told them to tell Izzie I have some important news to tell her.
For the first time in many years I have hope as into what happened to my daughter.
(Iz’s POV) The next day in New Orleans
As of right now I am looking up wedding dresses. I can’t wait to marry Tyler. We want to get married outside. Even though we are both Italian and the traditional thing would get married in a Catholic church we want to get married outside in nature.
While I am looking up dresses Tyler is working out in the workout room. He likes to stay fit. I decide to go see him and tell him this idea I have.
When I go inside the workout room his back is turned from me and he is doing pull ups. I know that he knows that I am in the room through. So he does his last pull up then turns around and smiles at me and says “What’s on your mind Ace? You look like you want to tell me something.”
“Yeah well I have this idea. What if we get married tomorrow?”
He looked at me surprised then said “Tomorrow? What’s the hurry?”
“I just want to be married to you. I don’t want big and extravagant, I just want simple. I mean with majority of your family here and the pack and on my side it’ll just be friends that I’ve met over the years. I know a priest that’ll be willing to marry us on such short notice. So why not?”
“You sure you want this? You sure you don’t want the big celebration?”
“100 percent sure. What do you want to?”
He looked like he was really weighing the options on whether or not to do it. Then when he looked like he finally made up his mind he said “Okay. I’ll start making the calls to the pack and my family and we’ll get married tomorrow.”
Within three hours we had called everyone. At first they were shocked, but then they were excited. In the end result everyone including the priest was happy and said that he could marry us tomorrow at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
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