Get Me Out of My Mind

Ready To Go

I couldn’t sleep because I had a melody stuck in my head; I’d been trying to get it right for the past hour or so. Jon could help! I set the guitar down and made my way down the hall to the master bedroom. I pushed the door open. Holy fucking shit.

“Oh my God! Get the fuck out!”

I sprinted back to the guest room. I crawled under the covers maybe if I pretend I was asleep I wouldn’t get yelled at. I can’t believe I just walked in on them having sex, again. Damn Jon is into some kinky shit; Jon oh shit Jon’s going to kill me. God, I’m too young to die. Maybe Spencer was right, coming out here two weeks before the wedding was a bad idea. If Jon doesn’t kill me Cassie probably will, and she’ll probably do it while I’m sleeping, or like slip something in my food. I’m not sure how long it had been since the incident; when Jon walked in the room. I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He sat at the edge of the bed. I couldn’t fool him he knew me too well.

“Brendon what did we say about knocking?” his tone was soft almost as if he were talking to a child.

I frowned and sat up, “always knock.”

He nodded, “so you know why Cassie is so mad?”

“Because I walked in when she was-“

“Jon I don’t want him here!”

I smiled at the fact that Cassie was either to angry or too embarrassed to yell at me. I mean she usually like loved me but I guess the whole wedding being in week and a half is making her crazy. I met Jon’s eyes to see if he was angry or not. He looked like he did any other day, not murderous at all.

“You heard her. Sorry man I don’t think it’s that big of a deal I actually think it’s sort of funny.”

I nodded this was why I thought Jon was so awesome, he rarely got angry, and he had a strange sense of humor. “yeah I get it, and I’m really sorry.”

He smiled, “so you want me to drive you somewhere?”

I nodded. He left saying something about changing into actual clothes. I really don’t get why he needs to change he’s just going to drop me off at a hotel or something. Ahotel I hate those things when I’m by myself. Besides I can never sleep when I’m there some fan girl typically finds out I’m there and spends the night creeping on my floor and knocking on my door, happens every single time. Lizz said something about being in Chicago. I could probably stay at the hotel with her and her band. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. It rang exactly five times before she answered.

“dude, don’t’ startle the witch!”


“Oh hey Bren, what up?”

“Where are you guys staying? I just got kicked out of Jon’s place.”

“what? Oh dude you startled the witch!”



“can I crash with you guys?” I love how she gets super into games but right now it was annoying me, if she didn’t answer I’d be up all night listening to some thirteen year old girls giggling and slipping notes under my door.

“yeah sure.”

“where are you?”

“what the actual fuck? The creators are so unimaginative I should have gotten like a million bonus points!”

“Elizabeth! Where the hell are you?”

“huh, oh hey dude can you like text the address to him? Bren I’m gonna text you kay? I’ve got
to kick zombie ass!”

I shook my head and hung up, before she shouted in my ear some more. If she didn’t text back in five minutes I’d ask Pete if I could crash at his place.

Jon re-entered the room fully dressed. It’s fucking midnight and he’s seriously fully dressed to take me to a hotel. I shouldn’t complain though before Ryan and Jon I could barely dress myself. I finished putting my clothes into my suit case. Damn it Lizz text me already I don’t want to be alone!


“uh,” my phone beeped. I checked it and sure enough Lizz or I guess one of the guys in her band had sent me the address. I held the phone out to him, “can you take me there?”

He stared at the screen for a few seconds before nodding, “yeah come on, Cassie is still pretty pissed.”

I grinned, the way he had said it made it sound like he thought it was the most hilarious thing ever.
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I haven't decided if this will remain in Brendon's P.O.V or if it will switch among the inhabitants of the apartment. Hope you like it Lizz!