Better than you can imagine

Frank Iero is a Senior in High School. Having no friends and being bullied puts him in a state of isolating himself even more. Having trust issues, he hates everyone and doesn't talk to anyone unless he has to. He needs to make friends in order to become social for when he goes to college. He has trouble with this, until he meets him.

Gerard Way, a Senior, sees Frank and follows him around school. Freaked out at first, Frank tries to push him away. But Gerard refuses to give up, and wants to become friends.

After finally giving in to Gerard's persistence, they grow a friendship which leads to growth in confidence, social skills, and more.

This is my first story ever, so if there are a few weird querks in it, forgive me. I hope you like it though! It has a big twist to it, which is kind of sad, but happy at the same time. You'll have to read the whole thing to find it out. Like the stories I enjoy best, this is going to have character development. Not just, hey, I'm Frank. hey, I'm Gerard *makeout session.* So it'll be a few more chapters to get the actual flow of things going. This story is about friendship and self growth. This is based on when they were actually in high school, although some things are out of place. But that's okay, because it's my story. =]
