Better than you can imagine

chapter 19

I approach the gymnasium, and hold open the door. Gerard goes in, and I follow. There are tables surrounding the perimeter of the gym. Every college you can think of is here. Harvard, Yale, Brown, BYU, VMI, XYZ, they’re all here. All accounted for.

Each table has a poster set up with everything that the college has to offer. Next to the poster is a representative, wearing a business suit and a smile. Pamphlets are neatly set up in front of the poster and applications to the school and set in a neat pile directly in front of the representative. There are two chairs in front of each table; one for the student and one for the parent. I didn’t bother to bring my mom with me. I don’t plan to apply to many colleges, and I don’t even know for sure if I’ll get in. I walk around the room, and look at the different posters. Gerard follows without saying anything, looking at the people, the posters, and the floor.

Liberal Arts Schools. Technical Schools. Art Schools. Business Schools. Military Schools. Military.

Social Work. History. Biology. Chemistry. Women Studies. Engineering. Mathematics. Criminology. Photography. Graphic Design. Political Science. Meteorology.

Maybe I’ll become a weather man, and lie to the world with a straight face every morning. Or maybe I can become a Politician, and lie to the world with a straight face every second.

People are so fake. They lie, cheat, steal, even kill if it means a few extra bucks in their paycheck. They will use and use, and then once they get your trust, they leave you in the dust to move on to more people to use. All to better their career. All to show how low and greedy they are. They will climb this ladder until they get to the top. Some do, some don’t. But they all play the same game. Most stab you in the back, and some will stab you in the front, but no matter what, they twist the knife. They’ll even marry to use them for their money, name, and reputation. Divorce doesn’t look good on the resume, so they will stay married even if there is a mistress, or mistresses. But I guess that’s what Karma feeds them for breakfast after using so many people. They get fed a big bowl of cheating wife, with 2% milk. High in fiber, because it sure will give you shit.

I see the table for Rutgers, and approach it. Gerard follows. He stands next to me, a few feet away from the table, with a confident stance and crossed arms examining the poster.

After a moment, Gerard leans in close to me.


“Hmm…” I pause. “New Jersey.”


“Well, that’s all I need to hear.”

I walk up to the table, ignore the chipper introduction from the representative, and grab an application. I walk back to Gerard.

“I’ll fill this out when I get home. Do you want to come with me?”


“Okay cool. Let’s get out of here. Let’s go to the auditorium. Fuck class.”

“Now there’s that college work ethic everyone is looking for!” he said, patting me on the back, laughing and walking with me to the exit.
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okay so I love the line I put about fiber. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! exciting things are to come. :) enjoy and comment please! :D <3