Better than you can imagine

On the bus

Sitting on the bus, waiting to leave for home, I rummage through my bag for my walkman and notebook. I decide to put in a classical music tape that I got for my Music History class. Why not get started on my assignment? I hit play.

O Greenest Branch? No, too happy.

Erlking? No, too opera.

Organ Fugue in G Minor? I really like it... it's light, but it has a dark feel to it.

Now, what is something that I have a strong emotion for? Hmmm... lack of trust toward anyone. Loneliness. Hate for Cory... speak of the devil.

He says something to me, followed by laughter, but I cannot hear it over the beautiful, yet dark, organs playing. I just continue to write notes.

Well what if I compared it to a longing to feel a certain emotion? Love. Trust. Loyalty. Friendship.

And then I see those eyes.

What is Gerard doing on my bus? Oh no, he sees me. I crouch down in hopes of him thinking he is mistaken, but he caught the glimpse and would not let go. Moving toward my seat, I feel his orb coming closer to me. He sits down next to me. I rip off my headphones.

"What are you listening to?" he asks.

"What do you want from me?" I yell back.

"I told you, I just want to be friends."

"I have friends..." I say, lying to him, in hopes of him leaving me alone.

"Oh. Well, I didn't see you with anyone today."

"They're home sick" I say, crouching even lower into the seat.

People are giving us looks. I just want this conversation over with.

"I'm sorry. I hope they get better sooner." he said, attempting to show concern, trailing off in the last phrase.


"Well, I guess I'll go then."

He stood up and moved forward 2 rows. I just stayed there, put on my headphones and looked out the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't worry. Frank starts being nicer in a few chapters. Development, people! No worries. =]
and for those of you who were wondering what that song that Frank is talking about sounds like, here is a link to it on youtube: