Better than you can imagine

All of my shirts are band shirts.

The movie is over, and I just sit there. It's such a melancholic movie. I mean, you really feel for the guy. You feel so trapped. And there's so much symbolism in it. Like, how there's no door knobs in the whole house, and the front door looks like a gate. It's like you're free to go whenever you want, but at the same time you can never leave. You're trapped.

I'm trapped. I can't release myself to anyone, because I can't trust them. I really wish that I had a friend, sometimes. This is one of those times.

I turn off the television and venture up to my room.

I change into my pajamas, crawl into bed, and drift off to sleep.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Is it morning already? It feels like I just closed my eyes. Ugh.

I turn off my alarm and get up. It’s 6:00. Not bad.

I turn on the light. My mom must have done my clothes for me while I was at school, because all of my clothes are in a neat pile on the chair next to my dresser. I walk over and put on black tight jeans and a Madonna shirt. And that’s when I notice, pretty much all of my shirts are band shirts.

Let’s hope that Gerard isn’t a Madonna fan too.

I go downstairs into the kitchen.

“Good morning Frank! You’re up early. Usually you’re not up for at least another 30 minutes. Want some breakfast?” my mom asks, cheerfully.
My mom went to the cabinet and pulled out a box of Cheerios. My mom likes to buy anything that makes her smile. Apparently Cheerios does that for her. Probably because of the name. I mean, it has ‘cheer’ in it.

She grabs the milk out of the fridge and puts it, along with the cereal, on the table in front of me. After grabbing a bowl and spoon and placing it before me, she sat down across from me, rested her head on her hand, and looked at me, smiling.

“So how was your first day of school?” she asked, intrigued.
“It was okay…” I said, pouring the cereal into the bowl, followed by milk.

“Oh, but I met this creepy kid. He wanted to be friends with me because he liked my shirt. He thinks that I have good taste in music or something. It creeped me out.”
“Well, maybe you should give him a chance. You need to socialize more. It will help for when you go to college.”
“I don’t know…”

I really don’t know. I don’t know if I’m ready to trust someone. I don’t know if I’m ready to open up to someone. I don’t know his intentions; if he really does want to be friends, or use what I say to make fun of me like everyone else.

I don’t know.


I go to the curtain room and sit down. I place my lunch tray on the floor next to me and reach into my book bag. I pull out my notebook and walkman, putting in my classical music tape.

Taking a bite of my apple, I wonder about my assignment.

Longing for a strong emotion… I look at my notes from the day before. Love, trust, loyalty, friendship.

Friendship. The organ just screams friendship. The pipes are all alone, but when they speak together they sing with such beauty. They have a story to tell. A story of how no matter how dark their past may have been, they overcame that to work together to create such a masterpiece.

Maybe I should overcome my past to create a masterpiece.

I look at my watch. Lunch is almost over. I put my walkman and notebook back into my book bag. As I finish eating, I think about the notes I took. Friendship. Gerard.

Eh, whatever. I don’t know anything about the kid. And he really does seem creepy. I mean, who watches you from a distance, tells you apart from anyone else, comes up to you and comments on your shirt? Words cannot describe how much I hope he doesn’t like Madonna. Seriously.

I stand up and walk out of my hidden sanctuary. And that’s when I see someone is sitting in the top row of the auditorium.

It’s him.

He glances up at me from whatever he’s writing on, and looks back down, smirking. Great. I really hope he didn’t see where I came from. The last thing I want is someone in on my secret. It’d be like losing your most valuable possession. A family heirloom. The most expensive jewel in the world.

Losing it to some creep with black messy hair, a pale face, and… oh no…

A Madonna shirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha, totally didn't plan that happening. my fingers just kind of typed it for me and I was like, dang, that'd be funny. so I'm just gonna go with it from there are see where it goes! hope you're still likeing it. I'll probably update tomorrow. cuz imadork.
don't forget to comment! and tell your friends about my story please, I only have a few readers and I'd like for more people to read it! =]