Better than you can imagine

Morbid romance

Our eye contact was broken when the bus started to move. I shift in my seat so that my body is facing forward, but I look out the window, past Gerard, to view the images passing us by too quickly to notice any extreme detail on anything.

Gerard looks out the window, and then looks back at me, observing my expressions as we pass the beautifully industrialized world.

"Are you an artist? Because you sure do observe things as often as someone who would be."

I pause, and look at him, wondering how often he observes people. Maybe that's why he comes off as creepy, because he observes people and is too socially awkward to realize how weird that is.

"I play guitar. It makes up for my bad drawing skills," I say, slightly smirking.

"How long have you been playing?"

"Since I was 11."

"Wow. I wish I could play. I try to... but I suck at it. So I draw to make up for my bad music skills," he said, laughing.

"What do you draw?"

"People. Vampires. Zombies. Horror-esque things."

"Awesome. I love horror things, too. Do you have any drawings with you?"

“Yeah. I always bring my sketch pad with me everywhere I go. You never know when you’ll come across a creepy looking tree or a bloody vampire who’s willing to pose for a picture,” he said, as he searched through his bag for his sketch pad. Flipping through the pages, he opened it up, wanting to tell me what it was before exposing it.

“This is my favorite. It’s a man, and a Vampire. The man has something that he holds dear to him, and he’s giving it away to her. And the Vampire is sucking what he holds so precious to himself: blood.”

He lowered the sketch pad to my lap and looked at my face, as I took in the morbidly beautiful image before me. The man had a look of love in his eyes, as the female Vampire sunk her fangs into his neck to excrete the blood from his veins, a small river of blood tracing down his neck. Her pale complexion showed how dead she was, and how she longed to have some blood. Her paleness was almost heavenly. And yet, it was like she was so lonely without this man. And the man, it was as if he loved her so much that he wanted to give her something that he couldn’t give out to anyone else: His trust, his love, his blood.

After taking in its beauty, I slowly looked up to see that he was still looking at me, absorbing my image in his eyes.

“I really like it.”


He put the picture on his own lap, giving it a quick look, and then proceeded to close it and return it to his bag. The bus came to a stop, and I saw that it was time for me to get off.

“Well, I guess I’ll see to you tomorrow,” I said, grabbing my bag and waiting for Cory to pass me.

“Yeah. See you.”

“Talking to a bird again, Cinderella?” Cory said, smirking, as he looked at me and then right through Gerard, as if he weren’t there. Smacking the top of my head while laughing, he continued to the front of the bus.

I gave him a hard glare, and then turned to Gerard.

“Sorry” I said softly, standing up. Entering the aisle, I walked to the front of the bus. Grabbing hold of the rail, and going down step by step, slowly, until my feet met with the asphalt. I hate to drag someone else into my reality, but he insisted.
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sorry for the really short update, and that it took so long. I've had it, and wanted to add more to it, but I've just haven't been able to concentrate on the story. life is confusing. but yeah. I hope you guys enjoy it, even though I guess it's kind of a filler. I'll update soon with something more, I promise. =]