‹ Prequel: Princess Plague
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Princess Destiny

What Really Happened To Val

Destiny rushed down the stairs and flung the door open to find a woman who looked identical to her mother.

“Michelle?” She asked in awe at her appearance.

“Destiny?” Michelle asked, noticing that she had Matt’s features.

Destiny shut the door behind her so that they were both outside. Michelle hugged Destiny and smiled, “I thought we could go out for coffee.”

“Sure.” Destiny smiled.

Michelle drove them to a coffee shop a couple towns over, because she insisted that the coffee was better. Destiny and Michelle sat down at a round table, after getting their coffee.

“Have you met Faith?” Michelle asked.

Destiny nodded, “How do you know Faith?”

Michelle gave her a confused look, “She’s Brian’s daughter.”

Destiny’s eyes widened, “My dad is telling everyone that he found her and that she’s his.”

Michelle gasped, “So Brian doesn’t know?”

Destiny shook her head and they continued the conversation then started to dig into the past.

“Val would have been so proud of you, no thanks to your father.” Michelle sighed, taking a sip out of her coffee cup.

“Car accidents suck.” Destiny nodded.

“What do you mean car accident?” Michelle asked furrowing her eye brows.

“We’ll my dad told me she was in a car accident.” Destiny explained.

Michelle’s eyes widened, “Destiny, your father killed her. She tried to leave with you and he met her at the door with a gun.”

Destiny’s breath hitched in her throat. She blurted out some of her Dad’s anger problems. Michelle grabbed Destiny making her look into her eyes.

“Destiny he’s dangerous. You can’t stay there it’s not good for you!”

The two girls left the coffee shop and Destiny cried in the car, “Where am I gonna go?”

“Somewhere happy.” Michelle suggested trying not to cry as well.

“Disneyworld.” Destiny breathed out.

Michelle agreed and drove back to Matt’s house. Destiny left a letter for them telling them that she knew Matt had killed Val, and now Destiny was leaving. Also in the letter was Faith’s birth certificate.

“He won’t find you.” Michelle assured Destiny on the way to the air port.

Destiny shook her head, “He’ll always find me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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