‹ Prequel: Princess Plague
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Princess Destiny

Playing Princess

Destiny held onto Michelle’s hand with a wide smile plastered on her face. For the first time ever, she was going to Disney world. They walked through the entrance and Michelle led Destiny over to a building. Inside a few people were filling out applications for a job at the park.

“Do you have an appointment?” The woman at the desk asked.

Michelle nodded, “Under the name Dibenedetto”

The woman looked down at her papers then smiled, “Through the door, down the hall, and take a left.”

Michelle and Destiny followed the woman’s directions. Michelle asked Destiny to wait outside the office for a minute. Destiny nodded then waited as Michelle walked through the door. A few minutes later Michelle walked out with two name tags. One for herself and the other for Destiny.

“Oh my god! Really?” Destiny jumped up excitedly.

“Yep, and I have a surprise for you.” Michelle beamed.

“What?” Destiny asked getting impatient.

“We’ll I’m working as a princess.”

“Who!!!” Destiny squealed.

“We’ll I’m now Cinderella, and your first job is to be…….Princess Belle!!!” Michelle screamed the last part.

Destiny’s smile grew until, Michelle assumed it would fall off of her face.

“When do I start?” Destiny giggled.

Michelle pulled out two dresses behind her back and laughed, “Now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Had the worst day of my life today. 2 popular girls decided to gang up on me and use the fact that i spent a couple weeks in a psych ward against me. I ended up having a break down in the middle of Art class, and had to go home. Luckily my friends were there and made sure that those girls got what they deserved. But one of the two girls gave me flowers, as part of an apology and i kinda forgave her because she's more of a follower and i've known her since i was like in kindergarden.


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