A Cookie Tells All


Something you lost will soon turn up.

I scoffed after reading the fortune. As if it were true. I was never getting them back.

I sighed pushing the boxes away from me, no longer hungry. Chinese food had never been my favorite anyways…It was always Sam’s. I flinched thinking of him.

It’s been a year, Jen, get over it already, I thought weakly to myself with a sigh.

I left my make-shift bed on the couch and went to the stairs. I bit my lip before going up them. I hadn’t gone in our my bedroom since it happened. I couldn’t.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before opening the door. It gave a loud creek as the unused hinges shifted. I flinched again, but continued on.

The room seemed to be filled with unwanted memories ready to destroy me as I further entered the room. Both good and bad memories.

Good; Sam purposing to me while the room was covered in rose peddles.

Good; Sam and I cuddling our newly born daughter.

Good; Sam and I discovering I was pregnant again.

Bad; my unborn child dying within me.

Bad; me working overtime to help support our small family.


Sam and Lily being killed in this very room for someone to steal what money we had.

I felt my pulse quicken as I imagined what happened.

Sam putting Lily in her crib and moving to fight the guy off. The guy pulling out a gun and pointing it at my husband. Sam moving slowly back to Lily, protecting her.

I shook my head trying to stop thinking about it.

The guy shooting Sam, regardless, and then killing Lily for no reason.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I dropped to the floor, sobbing.

My world was gone. I didn’t want to be here anymore. I wanted to be with my family. Away from this horrid place.

I dragged myself down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed the first knife I could and brought it straight to my chest.

I smiled through the pain as everything went black.

“Mommy!” A voice giggled.

I looked around to see Sam, Lily, and a little boy. “Jenna,” Sam whispered.

I threw my arms around him and he held me tightly. “I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered.

He kissed my forehead. “I’ve missed you too, Jenna. So, so much.” He kept holding me, ignoring the giggling below us.

I looked down to see Lily and the boy smiling up at me. “Mommy, Mommy! This is Aaron. He’s my brother!”

I smiled down at mine and Sam’s children. I hugged them all to my chest. “I’ve missed you all, so much.”

Something you lost will soon turn up.