Status: working on

Friends to Lovers in Time

Friends To Lovers In Time

I was at a party with Jenella and the party was at alex's house. It's 2 days till we start our freshman year. I was so excited I kept thinking of how my classes would go Jenella and I pretty much picked the same classes so we were hopeing that we both had the classes together. Jenella and I were on a hunt to find Jack,Alex,Rian and Zack. "Aubree we need to check by the beer. I know my man and thats his thing BEER." Jenella was leading to where the beer was, and sure enough thats were the boys were."Aburee what are you doinggggg here I thought you were staying at Jenella's?" Jack asked me he was complitly DRUNK."I am but Jenella wanted to come here and she wanted to see her "man"." As i said this alex slapped my arm, so i decided to lick his face."Aburee what the fuck was that for??" Alex asked sickened that i licked his face."That for hitting me dumb ass." I decided that i was gunna go on a hunt for Zack (oh yeah he wasn't over there with the boys). I couldn't find him so I went potty cause i had to piss. I walked in thinking no one was in there and Zack was in there tring to clean up his bloddy nose."Zack what happened? Did your nose ring rip out?" i asked worried."No some guy decided it would be fun to say that Jenella was a whore for going for Alex so I wasnt just gunna stand there n let him diss on my friends." he told me."Zack you really suck at tring to do this yourself let me help."(heres what me and jenella were wearing

I helped him clean up, and I would glance up every now and again while I was cleaning him up and i caught him stairing at me. I was done cleaning him up, we left and went to go talk to the boys and Jenella. We found Jack drinking outta keg, Rian talking with Kara, and Alex and Jenella were on the couch makeing out. Zack and I went to sit in Alex's game room. i was starting to get really tired and Zack could tell"Hey Aubree you just want me to bring you home? Because we both know Jenella is passed out drunk on the couch with Alex.""No. I can't leave Jenella here cause my aunt thinks im staying with her and i can't go to her house n not have her there." i told him with my eyes closed and you could hear that i was slowly going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in a bed with zack. Last i remeber zack and me were in the game room howed we get in alex's room. Zack had his arms around me and i didn't want to get up but i knew i had to. i tried to get up and not wake him up but that didnt work so well."sorry zack i didn't mean to wake you. just got back to sleep.""no it's fine Aubree i gotta get up anyways.""Zack i got a question. how in the world did we get in Alex's room on his bed when i fell asleep in the game room?"i slowly started to put my hand up in to never mind the question. We went downstairs and everyone was awake. Jenella and Rian looked at me with a smirk."why is my cuzin comeing downstairs with you Zack?" Jack asked thinking we did something."I fell asleep in the game room last night so zack moved me well i guess us into alex's room and we went to bed." i explained to everyone Jenella and Rian got there smirks off there faces after i told the story. Jenella and I walked back home and she told me all about her and alex's night.