‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


I woke up the next morning with a headache. My eyes flutter open and I face the pink walls. Pink? Where the hell am I? Sitting up I start to look around but then flop back down, my head hurting too much. It then registered that the pink room is my room. Or at least was my room, the one at Finn and Dakotas.

Finally I decide to push away the pain in my head and get up. Might as well get an explanation from whoever was here with me. I slowly make my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I heard noise. Adam was standing at the stove humming some tune when I entered. Instead of interrupting him I just took a seat, pulling my knees up to my chin.

“morning sweetie.” Adam whispers, suddenly right there in front of me. I totally didn’t see that coming. “how are you feeling?”

I shrug, “achy and tired.”

“that’s understandable.” He kisses my forehead and hands me a couple Advil. “this should help with the headache.”

I smile, “Thanks.” After swallowing the pills I watch Adam finish breakfast. “what happened?”

“this jerk drugged you last night.”

“oh.” That’s all I could say. I mean, really, how are you supposed to respond to that one?

Adam sets down two plates of food and takes his seat, “don’t worry, I punched him.”

“good to know. Why am I here?”

“I didn’t want Katie to see you in the state you were in. It was pretty bad. So I had Greg stop by and take over for the night.” I take a few bites of the food. “want to go back?”

“not particularly.”

I set down the fork and sigh. How did I let someone drug me? “Don’t start blaming yourself for this one Liana, it wasn’t even close to being your fault.”


“nope. The guy is some man-whore who thought he could get you to bed. Obviously he was wrong.”

I smile at him, though it was a weak smile. “fine.” We finished breakfast in a nice silence and moved to the living room to watch a movie.

While Adam took a seat on the couch I put in The Hangover, feeling as if I needed a good laugh.

“oh the irony.” Adam jokes as I lay down next to him.

“shut-up. I wasn’t drunk, I was drugged. There’s a difference.”

“hmm, yes there is.” I ignore the movie and turn to face him. “I was thinking that maybe you could, I don’t know, teach me how to drink.”

Adam laughs, “teach you how to drink? Honey, I know you’re capable of doing that.”

“I mean…I don’t know what I mean. I just was to try different stuff I guess. In a safe controlled place where I won’t be getting myself in trouble, and of course Katie can’t be there.”

Another laugh escapes his lips, “I’ll get something together, okay?” I nod and kiss him. It was the first time we’ve actually been totally alone, so we could actually do more than just a small peck here and there. Now though, our options were fairly opened. The shirt of his that I was wearing quickly got thrown to the side, leaving me in my undergarments. I giggle, thinking of all the times we’ve been in this exact position.

Adam rolled us over so he was on top and began kissing down my neck.

“Home sweet home.” Dakota’s voice rings through the house. Adam pulls back and my eyes widen.

“Adam DiGerlando! I can’t believe you for-” Finn was screaming but stopped. I really hope it was because of something Dakota whispered to him and not the fact that he was in the doorway. “-got to pick us up.” He finishes.

“what’s up babe?” Dakota asks, “oh. Um, I’m hoping it’s my best friend beneath you.”

I peak my head up over the top of the couch, “hi guys! How was Italy?! And oh my god Dakota, we definitely have to go baby shopping soon!”

The two of them smirk at us. “are you naked Julie?” she asks.

“psh, of course not!”

“Then what’s this?” Finn picks up Adams shirt.

“That’s Adams shirt.” I tell him in a ‘duh’ tone. “that’s an easy one Finn.”
Dakota rolls her eyes and tosses the shirt at me. “get dressed and meet me upstairs. In your room.”

They both head up after that, leaving Adam and I in the same position as before. “eight.” He says randomly, still on top of me.


“that’s how many times we’ve been caught in this position. Eight time.”

“oh, so you’re counting now, huh?”

“and you’re not?”

I lightly push him, “get up Adam. I need to go get dressed.”

He climbs off of me and readjusts his shirt. I slip on the shirt I was wearing before and went up to my room while he cleared things up from breakfast. Dakota was sitting on my bed, reading some magazine. “what’s up?” I ask, closing the door behind me.

“what’s up? You’re the one having sex on my sofa.”

I smile, “we weren’t going to have sex.”

“uh-huh. And I’m not pregnant.”

“oh shush.” I tell her. “so, how was Italy?”

“Italy was…well, entertaining for one. You should have seen the wedding, it was hilarious. You really do know how to crash one, m’dear.”

“why thank you.”

we both laugh. “after that we spent a lot of time just hanging out around the city. I got some new clothes and all. It wasn’t until about a week ago that I went into the doctor. I had missed my period and decided to get it checked out and everything. We were so freaking happy when they said I was going to have twins. And now we’re here. Back home. Finding our best friends on our sofa.”

“sorry. It’s just, with Katie and all we don’t get much alone time.”

“well now we’re back in town. So whenever you need aunty and uncle to baby-sit, just give us a call.”

“good to know.” I say, smiling. “now…what in the world are we going to name those kids?” We spend the next hour talking about baby names. Though she still wants to call one Juliana or Julian (if it’s a boy).

“SHE WHAT?!” Dakota and I stare at the door when we hear Adam scream. That didn’t sound good.

“should we go down there or-” Dakota didn’t get to finish her question because the door burst open with Adam standing there looking less than happy. And just when things were becoming good.
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<3 justrealizelife