‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


Dakota and I look at each other for a moment and then back to Adam. “I’m just…going to go unpack.” She says, quickly getting up and walking around Adam. She gives me one last ‘good luck’ look and then closes the door behind her.

“we’re going home.”

I look at him strangely. Home? My home? “what?”

He grabs my hand and drags me downstairs. I barely had time to get my purse before we were out the door. “Adam-”

Adam tosses the keys to me and slams the door to the passenger side. What the hell was going on? I look worriedly at the front door and saw Finn standing there with a reassuring smile. Okay, hopefully that means everything’s going to be fine. I climb into the drivers side and head to the apartment. Since he obviously wasn’t in a good mood I decided to hold off on the talking and just drive. By the time I pulled into a parking lot his facial expression changed from being angry to sad. But still, there was anger in those eyes.

What the hell happened?

He gets out of the car and head straight up to the apartment. I followed quickly in tow and entered just as he was closing the bedroom door. Greg and Katie were sitting there playing a game of Chutes and Ladder. They were both staring at me so I put on a fake smile, “Hi guys! How was last night?”

Katie raised an eyebrow, obviously knowing something’s up. “Mom,” she only calls me that when she’s serious, “what’s going on?”

“I don’t know sweetie.” I answer honestly. “just continue your game. Greg, can I speak with you for a minute.” He nods and we walk into the kitchen.

“what’s wrong?” he asks. Knowing both Adam and I, I’m sure he could tell it wasn’t good.

“I really don’t know. But it’s not good. If he really does start screaming or something could you, like, take her to the bakery or park? I don’t know, anywhere but here. I don’t need her hearing her dad in this state.”

“of course.”

“Thanks Greg. I better get in there.” He heads back to Katie and I go to bedroom, quietly opening the door.

In any other scenario, it would have looked fun. Adam was sprawled across my bed with his head in my pillows, screaming his head off. It reminded me of when I was a teenager and would get a B on some paper…okay, maybe not the best example, but really, that’s what it looks like

I sit down on the edge of the bed and rub his back in a calming matter, “what’s the matter?

“She’s selling.” He mumbles into the pillows.

“Adam, come on, look at me.” He turns his head so that it’s facing me, “who is selling what?”

“my mom. She’s selling the apartment.” I had to close my eyes and breath a few times to settle my temper. Both of us couldn’t be pissed off at the same time. When I open them I notice one of my luggage bags packed with the few clothes he has left here.

“Adam, you’re not going are you?”

“I have to. That place is everything to me. and to her. I know she doesn’t really want to sell it. She’s just trying to piss me off.”

“and she’ll be getting exactly what she wants if you show up pissed off.” I tell him. He opens his mouth to argue but I continue, “you have a job here now. A real job that you can’t just leave. Ben and Jerry’s just signed with you guys. That’s big, really big. You don’t have vacation time now. Plus do you really think she’ll talk to you let alone listen to you? I’m sorry, but you just can’t go to Italy.”

He frowns, knowing that I was right, “what am I supposed to do then?”

I think for a moment. Since the wedding isn’t until much later (Craigs), and Adam is here to take care of Katie… “I’ll go.”


“I don’t have anything that I need to be in town for. Plus I think it would be good for me to actually talk some things out with your mom. I did kind of lie to her a lot last time I was there. And if this relationship between us is ever going to work than I’m going to have to face her eventually. Better sooner than later.” I explain. “you can stay here with Katie, drop her off at daycare and do all of that. Stacey will be fine with the bakery. If you ever need a break Dakota and Finn are in town to babysit. I’ll stay with Nick and hopefully only be a couple of days. I’m sure you all can handle that.”

“you sure?”

“Adam, that place means a lot to me. Probably not as much as it does to you, but still, a lot. I’m not letting your mom take that from us.”

“okay. I’ll get you a ticket and call Nick. You start packing.” I nod and start to get up to pack. Adam grabs my hand and pulls me back down. “Thank you.” he whispers, kissing me shortly on the lips.

“how about you thank me when I get back.” I wink and he laughs, rolling out of bed.

“get packing Liana.” I go back to the pack he had started and took out his clothes, replacing them with my own. About an hour later I walked out into the living room with everything packed. “your plane leaves tonight at eight. Nick will pick you up at the airport and you’ll go talk to my mom tomorrow.”

“okay, great.”

“you sure you want to do this?”

I smirk, “you sure you can handle Katie for the weekend?”

I already knew this was going to be one hell of a weekend. But hopefully something good will come out of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my! two updates in two days?!?! what's the world coming too?
Don't get used to this, I just happened to have spare time to write.
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<3 justrealizelife