‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


It took everything in me that day not to burst into tears. Not to scream and curse and throw things around. I knew I had to stay strong for Katie so that’s what I focused on, her.

And now, today, a week later, I’m getting dressed to go to Dakota and Finn’s for their big anniversary party. I cannot say that I’m excited to go, actually quite the opposite. But just like their wedding, this is something I must face. Dakota even gave me an out, saying that she’d tell everyone I was sick. I just couldn’t do that to them or Katie. Plus if I was ever going to get over anything, I’d have to face Adam and now seemed as good as ever.

What was more amazing is that it was two years ago when they got married. It’s been two years that Adam has known about Katie. Two years since he left me. and now, on that same night, we’re fighting once again for the same reason as two years ago.

“mommy, can I ring the doorbell?” Katie asks.

“of course sweetie.” She smiles widely before pressing the small round button. The only thing I was worried about this evening was for Katies sake. I told her that her dad was busy when she asked about him and I hope he’ll play along with that.

The door opens to a smiling Dakota, a fake smile but a smile nonetheless. “Hey you two!” she says excitedly. Katie runs past her to get inside while I take my time. “How are you holding up?” she asks quietly.

“It hurts more than when I found out he was getting married, but not as bad as him leaving three years ago.”

I watch as she takes in a deep breath, “well I’ll tell you this. If it weren’t for the fact that today is our anniversary, Finn and I would definitely be screaming at him. Actually, I might just do it and brush it off as hormones. Hmm…that might work.”

“Dakota, what are you talking about?”

“no, no. I cannot tell you. It’s too painful to even think about. But you will definitely see for yourself.”

“Dakota!” she grabs my hand and pulls me into the house, closing the door behind her. When I turn around to ask her once again what’s going on I spot Adam. He’s standing in the living room talking to a group of guys I recognize from the wedding. Next to him is a woman I don’t know and they seem awfully close for just friends.

Before he spots me, or anyone else for that matter, I make a quick dash for upstairs. The instant I close and lock the door I fall against it, letting the tears rush down my face. How could he do that to me? to Katie? And on our best friends anniversary!

I stand up and look around my room. So much happened in this room, things I wish I never had to think of again. I glance in the mirror and notice my attire. It wasn’t bad, but nothing that would scream ‘sexy’ either. And that’s what I need right now, something sexy.

Quickly, I go through my closet to see what I have left in this house. Surprisingly, there was a lot here, but what stuck out the most was my black and white bridesmaids dress. The only problem, one that could easily be fixed, was its length.

Without question I grab the dress and go into another room down the hall where Dakota did all her sewing projects. I measure and cut the dress before sewing the new him to make it look more polished. Now, what was once a long gown is a short cocktail dress.

I grab a pair of black heels, slip on the dress and redo my make-up.

If Adam wants to play the game, I can definitely play.
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thanks for the comments!
<3 justrealizelife