‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


“is that your bridesmaids dress?” that’s the first thing Finn asks me when I enter the dining room.

I smile at him, “you do know the best thing about bridesmaid dresses is that you can just make them shorter and wear them again.”

He rolls his eyes, “remember Julie, your daughter is present.”

“don’t worry, I know.” Finn walks into the next room and Dakota approaches me.

“I’m not going to ask.” She states, handing me a glass of water.

“I hope you’re not offended that I cut it.”

“girl, it looks way hotter this way, so don’t worry about it.” Dakota takes a sip of her wine, “anyways, it’s dinner now and I’m supposed to apologize ahead of time.”

I glance at the table as it starts to fill up, “apologize for what?”

“let’s just say that every single way we rearranged the seating, you and Adam kept ending up next to each other.”

I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, “I’ll be fine.” I tell her and then walk over to my seat. Adam and the girl he was with were already sitting and when I take my seat I can feel him tense up. I smile at the fact he feels uncomfortable about this because he should.

I look past him to the woman he’s with, “I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Juliana. Juliana Richards.”

She smiles, “oh yes, I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Charlene Anderson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“you too.”

I glance at Adam and notice that he tightened his jaw and fists. He was mad, but at who?

“Breath Adam, you look like you might explode.” I whisper to him before turning to the rest of the table.

After a short ‘thank you for coming…’ speech from Dakota, the food was served. When I finish with my water, which Dakota was so kind to put into a wine glass, I fill the glass with some red wine. But, before I was able to do anything with it, like take a sip, it was taken out of my hand by none other than Adam.

I look at him, shocked that he’d care so much as to take my drink away, and then go back to my food. No point in fighting with him now.

The man next to me, someone I recognized but did not know by name, was busy talking with his buddy on the other side. The couple across from me talked amongst themselves and Adam was much too busy flirting with Charlene to pay any attention to me. That is, unless I tried to grab my drink (or his drink for that matter). So for the majority of the time I just sat and picked at my food silently.

But there comes a time when that just isn’t enough. I shouldn’t have to be here by myself, eating by myself and talking to no one. No, I was supposed to be here with Adam. He was supposed to be talking and flirting with me. We were supposed to be together.

Dakota catches my eye and gives me a sad smile. I just shrug and look away before she noticed the tears in my eyes. I glance down at my hands and notice that Adam had his hands on his lap too. Had he eaten at all tonight? It didn’t matter. If I was going to do what I wanted, and needed, to do, then right now was my chance.

I slip off the ring Adam gave me and set it in his open hand. He stopped talking when he felt my touch and I know his gaze was on me, but I didn’t look to see. I stand up and excuse myself from the table before quickly getting myself out of there. I didn’t feel like going to my old room and the only other empty room was Adam’s, so that’s where I end up.

The door creaks open and I know it’s Adam. It didn’t take a genius to guess that one. Before he closes it I hear Dakota asking the group if they’re ready for dessert, probably trying to distract them from what’s really going on.

“Juliana, what you did down there-”

I laugh, “you sound as if you’re going to give your sister a lecture about being immature.”

“maybe that’s what I’m doing.”

“as if. I’m not the one acting immature, if anything that would be you.”

I could tell that I made him mad by that comment, which I doubt he wanted at the moment. I guess he thought he could just walk in here and tell me what I did wasn’t okay.

“I’ve done nothing immature.”

“oh really? So bringing some one night stand to your best friends wedding anniversary one week after you and I break up isn’t immature? Especially when your daughter is present? Then please, tell me what is immature.”

Adam ignores my comment. “why did you give it back?”

“the ring?”

“of course the ring, what else?!”

I shrug, “I guess I don’t want it anymore.”

“it’s not something returnable!”

“since when is a ring not returnable Adam? It was supposed to be a symbol of our love. Of course it’s returnable.” I look up at him, trying my best to act strong for my own sake. He instantly looked hurt by that comment but I didn’t care.

“so what are you saying?” his voice was shaking as if he too were about to burst into tears.

“I’m saying that I’m done.” It actually surprised me how easily those words came to me. Almost as if they were the right words, though I knew better than that.

“done with what?”

“I know you’re not that stupid Adam. Done with this, with us. I can’t keep going through this heartache just to be happy for a few months. That’s not how it should be, ever. And I know you’re going to say that this time it will work, we’ll make it work. But that’s not true. Every time we get back together something happens to separate us again. And I just can’t keep going through that.

“so that’s it?”

I nod, “we can work out the whole Katie thing another time. But right now I need to be alone.”

Adam stands up and sets the ring down on the table next to me. He bends down to whisper in my ear, “it isn’t a symbol of our love. It’s a symbol of my love for you. And that isn’t going anywhere.” I shut my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I feel his lips brush against mine for just a short second before he says those three little words and leaves the room.
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<3 justrealizelife