‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


It came as quite a shock to our friends when we informed them about the final break up. Well, I was the one informing while Adam stood to the side acting as if this was all just a mutual agreement. The ring I have tucked away in my jewelry box and will probably put it away for good in the near future.

Between us, we figured out what to do with Katie. Though it all depends on what Adam chooses to do. If he decides to stay in town then he’ll have her for the first part of every month. Since the holidays will most likely be spent with Dakota and Finn, we figure that it won’t be an issue. If Adam chooses to go back to Italy it’ll go back to the plan from summer. Katie will be there every summer for break and every other Christmas.

Finn is worried about the two of us during gatherings but we’ve both promised to be civilized about it. To make sure there’s no added awkwardness, we both had to promise not to bring a boyfriend or girlfriend to a group gathering unless it had been at least six months.

After all of this though, I still feel like something is missing. I’ve spent countless hours in the bakery trying to relax, to figure out what it is, but nothing has worked. So, after three days of this, I’ve finally decided to face Dakota…with three chocolate cakes.

When I ring the doorbell she answers instantly, as if she was just standing by the door.

“Julie! What a surprise.” She looks at the cakes in my hand and her smile drops, “uh-oh.”

“Codes, I can’t get over-” she covers my mouth, stopping me from finishing the sentence.

“trust me, you don’t want to say it right now.” I nod and she lets go of my mouth. “Anyways, it’s actually good you’re here. We have something to ask of you.” I follow her to the kitchen and just about drop the cakes the moment I see Adam. What was he doing here? I set the cakes down on the counter and take a seat farthest from Adam.

“Everything okay?” he asks, glancing back at the three cakes. Why did he have to know me so well?

“Everything’s fine. I just thought Dakota would want some chocolate in the house.” I know he didn’t buy my lie, but luckily he didn’t push any farther. “so, what is it that you need to tell us?”

Dakota looks to Finn to break the news, “we’ve gone through all of our friends and came to the conclusion that we’d like you two to be the twins’ Godparents.”

Adam and I look at each and then back at them, “us?”

“yes you.” Dakota says as if it’s an obvious choice. “you two already have a child and we trust you the most to make the right decision for ours.”

I was still in shock when Adam replies, “you’re right, we do have a child. But have you seen us lately guys? It’s not like we’re the picture perfect family or anything. Juliana and I might be getting along but that doesn’t mean we could raise not just one but three kids together. Think about it. Those kids would have the lives of one with divorced parents. Going from house to house, being separated at times. It just wouldn’t work.”

It actually surprised me how honest and truthful Adam’s speech was. I wouldn’t have known I was the one to break his heart from that. “He’s right. We’ve sent Katie through a roller-coaster and I honestly don’t think that would be good for your kids too.”

The two smile at each other, “we have time to decide. Besides, though you may have given up, we haven’t given up on you two.” Finn smiles at our shocked faces and then leaves the room with his wife in tow.

“Hey Adam?”


“Have you decided yet?”

he knew what I was talking about but still looked taken aback by the question. “My plane leaves tonight and I’m just going for a couple weeks for a vacation.”

I nod in response. He gets up and leaves too, without a word. I just sit there at the table and wonder how I’ve managed to once again screw up my life.
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<3 justrealizelife