‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


Chapter Nineteen

I wake up to the terrible smell of a hospital. When I open my eyes, I realize why that is. The memories of last night come back to me and I sit up more alert. Finn rounds the corner with a Starbucks in hand for me and I smile sweetly at him.

“I-” I start to tell him that I need to call Adams’ parents but Finn interrupts me.

“don’t worry. I already told Stacy what’s going on. I called in sick for today and Katie’s teacher said that she should take as much time as needed. Dakota is still at home with Katie, figuring that’s the better place for her to be right now since we shouldn’t just send Katie off with some babysitter.”

“I don’t really care about any of that. Have you contacted Jacqueline?”

he looks down at his lap, “no…I didn’t think of them.”

“It’s alright, I can do it. You’ve definitely done enough for right now Finn.”

“you sure you’ll be able to?”

“yeah. I can do this.”

Before I had a chance then, the doctor steps out of a room near by and comes up to me. She smiles weakly, “you’re fiancé made it through surgery fine and everything is working as it should be. But he’s currently in a coma.” She said it so naturally that I almost missed what she said. “When they got to him last night, he didn’t have any heartbeat. They brought him back, though it was getting quite weak through out the surgeries last night. He hasn’t woken up yet. His body is probably just resting from everything though it’s hard to say what his condition will be if and when he does wake up. If he doesn’t wake up…” she trails off and all color drains from my face.

Dead. If he doesn’t wake up he’ll be dead.

I blink a few times before walking past her and outside. Not only did I need air, I also needed to tell Jacqueline.

“hey sis, what’s up?” Katelyn answers the phone in a cheery voice.

“I need you to get your mom Katelyn.”


“now. I need to talk to her now.”

There was some shuffling, “she’s in a meeting right now.”

“I don’t care. I need to speak with her.”

Katelyn sighs impatiently, “I can’t get through though. The assistant is very persistent about keeping me out.”

“scream,” I tell her, “scream as loud as you can.”


“just do it Kate.” I move the phone away from my ear and hear her scream. I’m so glad I’m not in that house at the moment. People walking past me even gave me a weird look as I waited for Katelyn to stop.

Jacqueline’s voice finally comes on, “you told my daughter to scream?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“this really isn’t the time Juliana.”

“I know, but this is important.”

“I’ll call you back in an hour, how does that sound?”

“no, Jacqueline I really need to-”

“sorry, but I should go.”

“Adam is dying!” I yell before she hangs up the phone.

There was silence on the other end and I was just about to think she did hang up. “what did you say?”

“There was an accident last night and-and he got hurt. They just finished surgeries and well, he’s in a naturally-induced a coma right now. It’s hard to say whether he’ll make it or not.”

Jacqueline covers the mouth piece to her phone, though I still heard her tell her customer that they’d have to meet up some other time. “What hospital?”

“St. Michaels, where he was born. He’ll most likely be moved to another room by the time you guys get here so just ask the front desk.”

“are you doing okay?”

“not even close.”

“don’t blame yourself for any of this Juliana, it’s not his fault.”

Since I hadn’t told anybody beside Dakota and Finn about the break-up, I was confused as to what she was talking about. “I don’t understand…”

“Katelyn informed me about you guys breaking up. That’s why he was going to come to Italy for awhile. I just don’t want you to blame yourself for the accident or anything. It was his choice to leave, not yours.” I didn’t know what to say. Why would Adam tell them so soon? I hadn’t even gotten a hold of Blake to tell him about it. “Guy is getting the jet together for us to leave as soon as possible. We should be there by tonight.”

“um, okay. I’ll see you when you get here.” I hang up on her then, not wanting to talk any long.

My mind still wondered off to why the hell Katelyn knew. Did Adam really run to his family the instant I break up with him? Doesn’t that seem a little…teenage girlish? And did it really hurt him that much? Because in all honesty, he seemed pretty fine having another girl at the party that night.

When I got back up to the room, I asked if we could visit and the lady told me yes. So I grabbed Finn by the hand and pulled him with me to go see Adam.

The only thing I could think as I saw his stiff, pale body laying there is that he looked just like my parents.

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<3 justrealizelife