‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


It’s been a week and no improvements. I spent all my time in the hospital room, waiting for him to move. Blake would stop by, sometimes with Katie, sometimes alone. Finn stayed during the day like the rest of Adam’s family, but then went home at night.

Today though was different. Mark, Greg, and Thomas came in for a visit. I sat in the corner of the room not wanting to be noticed by any of them, but that only lasted for a short amount of time.

Greg was the first one to notice me sitting there with my knees up to my chest, wanting so badly to cry.

“Juliana, you look terrible.” He says, walking over to me.

I laugh a little, “nice to see you too Greg.”

“I meant sick. Have you been sleeping at all?”

Mark walks around the bed to me too, “or eating? You look like you’ve lost weight.”

“okay guys, stop interrogating the poor girl,” Thomas comes over standing next to them, “are you doing okay?”

I smile at him, “I’m surviving. As to answer the other questions, no I haven’t been sleeping that much and I probably should be eating more too.”

They all eye each other and were silent. Adam’s phone started ringing so I step out of the room without another word. The area code was one from Italy so I just assumed it was Stephanie again.

“what part of don’t keep calling do you not-” I was interrupted by a totally different voice.

“Juliana?” Rose asks.

“Rose? uh, dispiace .. (uh, sorry about that…)”

“va tutto bene. Adamo è in giro? (it’s alright. Is Adam around?)”

I take a deep breath, not really in the mood in telling someone else the news, "no, Temo di no. Posso prendere unmessaggio? (no, I’m afraid not. Can I take a message?)”

“digli di darmi una chiamata con le date di quando ha la possibilità (just tell him to give me a call with dates when he has a chance.)”

a small smile creeps onto my face. What was he planning? “farà. Meglio che vada ora. E 'stato bello parlare con te Rose. (will do. I better go now. It was nice talking to you Rose.)”

“anche tu Giuliana. Fate attenzione. (you too Juliana. Take care.)” I hang up with a short sigh.

“who was that?” Mark asks, while the others look at me curious.

I ignore the question, “has Adam talked about planning something for me. you know, like a party or, I don’t know, a wedding?”

All their eyes bug out, Thomas was the one to speak, “wedding? Not at all. Not even a party. Why?”

“That was Rose. This nice women who owns a vineyard inItaly.” I inform them.

“you mean the one who screamed at you two and then locked you in a room?” Greg asks with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I smile at the memory, “that would be the one.”

“sweet’s not exactly what I’d call her, he comments.

I laugh at that. An actual laugh that I swear I hadn’t heard from me for a couple weeks now.

The door creaked open, “did I just hear a laugh?” my brother enters smiling.

I nod and motion for him to come over so that I could introduce him, “Blake, this is Mark, Greg, and Thomas. Friends slash coworkers of Adam.” Thomas coughs pointing out that I mistook his title. “Right, how dare I call you a coworker Thomas. He’s actually Adams’ boss, Blake.” I add, rolling my eyes at Thomas’ childish actions. “guys, this is my brother Blake. I’m sure Adam has mentioned him a time or two.” They do their introduction hand-shakes and all that jazz. I basically ignore them during this process. “what are you doing here anyways Blake?” I ask, trying not to sound rude.

“oh, um Katie wants to talk to you about something.”

“me? what about?”

he scratches the back of his head, “I’m not sure. Something about complaining to you and asking you to come home.”

“Blake, what did you do?”

“I really don’t know. You’ll have to ask your daughter that.”

I frown at him. What did he do to make her want me home? She usually loves spending time with Blake and Jenny. “okay guys, leave me be for right now. In about five minutes tell Katie to come in.” They all nod and bid their goodbyes before leaving the room.

I shakily stand up and walk over to the side of the bed. I grab a hold ofAdamshand and squeeze tightly. He looked so lifeless, so dead. But I knew better, right? Adam was going to make it through this. We all at least needed to keep telling ourselves that to have a tiny bit of hope there.

I hear the door open and quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. I didn’t want Katie seeing me like this. But she wasn’t paying attention to me at all. Instead she had this determined look on her face and marched straight past me to the other side of the bed.

At first she slaps his arm as if saying that he was being stupid. Then, to my surprise, she goes into this speech the left me flabbergasted. “Dad, you have to wake up. It’s not a choice of yours anymore, I’m ordering you to. I don’t care if you’re in pain or sick or whatever. But you can’t stay like this. Mommy’s sad and won’t come home until you’re better which isn’t good. Uncle Blake really can’t cook. Do you know what I ate last night? Fish and sticks. I hate fish and sticks!” honestly, it was quite hard to take her seriously at the moment. I had to hold in the giggles that were wanting to escape. “Point is that you have to wake up because I can’t eat whatever Uncle is feeding me any longer.”

That instant, his hand gives mine a little squeeze.
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<3 justrealizelife