‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


I woke up to the smell of food being cooked and the sound of clattering in the kitchen. Not something I'm used to. When I entered the kitchen, I found Adam and Katie making breakfast. I smile at the site and quietly pull my camera out of my purse, taking a picture of them.

“good morning!” I say cheerfully, putting the camera away.

Katie jumps down from her stool and runs over to me, stopping a couple feet away. “mommy! Mommy! Look! I'm just like you!!” she says excitedly. Her face and clothes were covered in flour and batter.

I smile and kiss her cheek, kneeling down to her level. “it looks that way, yes.”

Adam turns around and smiles at the two of us, “actually Katie, I think you're missing some chocolate on your face.” he comments.

I pick Katie up in my arms and stand, “I'm offended Adam.” he raises an eyebrow at me, “it was usually on my shirt.”

Rolling his eyes, Adam turns back to the meal he was making. Katie had me set her back down so that she could finish and the two of them kicked me out of the kitchen.

“fine, I'll go get dressed.

After getting changed and ready for the day, I reentered the kitchen to find the table fully set.

“look! Daddy showed me how to fold the napkins into boats.”

I smile down at her and take one of the napkins from the plate and set it on her head, “did he tell you they could be hats too?”

she shakes her head no and runs off to the closest mirror. When she sees herself she screams that it really was a hat.

I take a seat at my usually spot and Adam sits at the one to my left while Katie is on the right, like always.

“hey Adam?” I ask during breakfast.


“can you watch Katie today. I'm already late for the appointment and no one is in town.”

he laughs, “do you really think I'd say no to that Julie?”

“I guess not.”

“mommy usually isn't here for breakfast.” Katie explains to Adam, “and then she doesn't get home until late.” oh great.

Adam looked between me and Katie and then focused his attention on me, “is that true?”

“I own a bakery, Sundays and Mondays are the only days I open at ten. The rest of the time I'm usually at the bakery early, yes.” I look at Katie before continuing, “and I've only been home really late once.”

“one too many times.” Katie says, pouting.

I sigh, knowing that Adam would want an explanation. “it was the night I talked with your mom.”

he nods, understanding, “and baking relaxes you.”

“yeah, well, not that time. But I tried.” I look down at my watch, “okay, I really am late.” I kiss Katie on the forehead, “call me if you need anything Adam!” I say as I rush out the door.

Craig was waiting there for me in the front. Stacy must have let him in. “sorry I'm late.” I say, taking a seat across from him, “I had to find a babysitter for my daughter.”

“not a problem.” he says with a smile.

“well. Let's get started then.” for the next hour or so we talked about where the wedding was going to be and the type of cake they wanted. Since he's from around here, they were thinking of a Maine wedding, or at least one in the North-East.

Around lunch time the place quieted down from the rush and Stacy took her break. I managed the front which currently included, well, no one. Suddenly, as I was wiping the counters, the bell above the door rang and I looked up to see the last person I wanted to talk to.

“Jon?” I ask, confused. Setting the rag down.

“hey.” he says, as if we didn't break up a couple weeks ago.

“what are you doing here?”

“Heard you were back in town, thought I would stop by.” he tells me, “how was Italy?”

“Italy was good.” I was still confused as to what he was doing here.

“that's good.” Jon says, “about what I did-” I cut him off there.

“what you did was just simply stupid. I never did like you Jon, so I don't even know how you thought I'd marry you. I thought it was pretty obvious my feelings toward you.”

he looked shocked, “you never even liked me?”

I shrug, “you were always like a brother to me, not boyfriend material.”

“well then, can I at least have the ring back?”

my eyes widen. He wanted the ring back? For once I was speechless, “um...”

I was interrupted when familiar hands wrapped themselves around my waist and a kiss on my cheek, “Hey Juliana, I brought-” Adam started, but stopped when I'm guessing he saw Jon. “oh, uh, hey Jon.” Adam straightens up and lets go of me. “what's up?”

“you got back together with Adam?!”

once again I didn't know what to say, but Adam seemed to. “I wish. She's making me win back her trust. Were you guys in the midst of something because I can just come back...” he looks between Jon and I.

“no,” Jon glares at me, “I was just asking for the ring back.”

“ring?” Adam acts surprised. “Juliana, you never told me you were dating Jon!”

I had to hold back my laugh, “you didn't tell me you were dating Stephanie.”

“and he proposed?!” Adam really had to have been enjoying this way too much.

Jon looked at him clueless though, “it was all over the news dude, I'm sure you must have heard about it.”

Adam and I couldn't hold it in any longer and both burst out laughing. To my surprise though, Adam did something else. “just messing with 'ya. Here's the ring.” and he pulls it out of his pocket, tossing it to Jon.

“you took our wishes away?!” I question Adam.

He laughs even more, “when one says 'keep the ring' it really means 'I don't want to talk to you right now, but I want the ring back.' Though I knew you if would help you cope if you could throw it away.”

“Fountain?” Jon was confused now.

Adam answers that one for me, “we made a few hundred wishes. Though I'm sure it's worth more than hundreds of pennies. Probably a couple thousand? Anyways, it's in perfect shape, so don't worry.” he informs Jon, “now, could you please leave, because I truly am trying to win her back and you being here isn't helping.” Jon glares at Adam for a second before leaving the shop.

Adam wraps his arm back around me and I hug him back. “that was fun.” I say.

“yes it was. Now, as I was saying. I brought lunch.” he holds a bag up with his other hand.

“where's our daughter Adam?”

“in good hands.” he answers as we take a seat at a table.

“where's our daughter Adam?” I repeat.

“at the office.”

“the office?” I ask.

“I went back on got the job this morning. And then sort of convinced them to watch Katie while I took you out to lunch. Don't worry, they all have kids of their own.”

I roll my eyes, “you can't just leave her at random places Adam.”

“it wasn't random. It was my office.”

“it was random.”

“fine.” he says, “it was random. Can we eat lunch now?”

“actually, Stacy is on her break. So I can't take mine now.”

Instead of replying, Adam walks over to the front door and flips the “yes, we're open,” sign to, “sorry, we're closed.” I cross my arms and glare at him, “there, you can.”

“you can't just close my shop Adam.”

“I'll pay you for the profits you'll lose, now,” he holds up the bag, “let's have lunch.”

Giving in, since I was hungry, I walk over to him and we take a seat at one of the tables. “when I walk into your office some random day with lunch, you're not allowed to tell me you can't eat.”

he shrugs, “okay.”

“you don't believe me, do you?”

Adam smiles and leans over the table, kissing my cheek. “you've never been the spontaneous type Juliana.” he whispers and then takes a bit from his sandwhich.
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<3 justrealizelife