‹ Prequel: Before You Say I Do

Remember Us


The rest of the week passed by uneventful. Mark, Greg, and I had planned the surprise party that I had made up the week before and it was finally ready to happen. We moved things around to make the bakery more open feeling and invited practically everyone from the office he worked at.

“So Julie, what are you doing this Wednesday?” Mark asks while we finish decorating the room.

Before I could answer Greg intervened, “Mark, as a friend I'm going to advise you to stay away from our bosses girl.”

A laugh escaped my lips, “Greg, I'm allowed to have friends and Adam isn't my boyfriend. But Mark, I'm actually busy until the end of the month. Three weddings and a birthday party. Sorry.”

“and by then you will be taken.” Greg says.

Mark said something under his breath and went into the back to grab more chairs.

“why are you acting like this Greg?” I ask him, keeping quiet so if Mark does reappear, he won't have heard.

“look, Adam's my best friend and I don't care what you say, but he's not letting you go again.”

“I never said he was.”

“oh, so leading Mark on to believe he has the slightest chance with you is okay?”

“I was being honest! Adam and I have been on two dates Greg, that's not exactly what I'd call a relationship.”

He stops setting the tables and turns to face me, his face almost angry looking. “I know you and Adam are doing this whole starting over thing but be honest with yourself. This isn't your second date, it's like your one hundredth. That wasn't your first kiss last week, it was one of hundreds. And against everything you've said, you guys do actually know each other. Plus you have a kid together. A living human Julie! That's not something that just gets tossed aside because you've only 'been on two dates.'”

I was slightly taken aback from Gregs' outburst. But he also had a point, though I did too. “Greg did you ever think that I may need to see other people at all? I've only been with Adam and Jon. It's not like I'm actually going to do anything with Mark. I mean, that first night here was a big-” I cover my mouth at what I was just about to say.

“MARK THOMPSON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!” Greg screams loudly. I'd never seen him this mad before.

Seconds later Mark was standing in the doorway, probably afraid to come any closer. “yes?” he asks hesitantly.

“what did you do to Juliana?”

“um, nothing?”

“nothing. Really? So her first night here she wasn't talking about you.” Mark quickly glances to me and then back to Greg.

“look, dude, it's all in the past.”

“and what exactly is 'all'?”

Mark rubs the back of his neck nervously while I run a hand through my hair. “Greg, remember how you dropped me off at the club?” he just nods, “well, Mark bought me a couple of drinks.” I shift from foot to foot, “and then we kind of went back to my place.” His reaction wasn't so good. I could see him tense up and before I knew what was happening Greg had punched Mark.

“Greg!” I yell and look down at Mark who was holding his nose. “Mark, go clean up in the-” but I was cut off from another voice. One I didn't exactly want to hear at the moment.

“what's going on here?” Adam asks. We all froze and I slowly turned to the door where he was standing.

“uh, hey Adam... Surprise?” the room was empty due to the fact he was an hour early. Only half of the surprise sign was actually hanging up and nothing was set out to eat or drink. Not to mention no one was here.

“yes, surprise.” he says without any emotion in his voice. “would someone like to explain this situation?”

Mark, Greg, and I looked at each other and then back to Adam, “No.” we say at once.

This obviously wasn't the answer he was looking for. “can we talk about this later Adam? Please? Just for now, leave and come back in an hour.” he huffs and I know he didn't want to go along with it, “I won't finish the Italian cream cake unless you leave.” I bargain.

He starts to leave and then turns around, “I hate how you know I'll do anything for your cooking.” he grumbles and opens the door.

“don't forget to act surprised!” I yell after him. Adam waves his hand motioning that he heard me.

“okay, Mark, go clean up. And Greg, let's get back to work. We'll finish this conversation after the party.”

Over the next hour people started to show up. Most of them were friends from the office though there were some older friends such as Lucas. The food was now set out along with the drinks and all the decorations were in place. When Adam showed up the second time, an hour after the fight, it was actually ready for him. The crowd screamed 'surprise!' and jumped out of their few hiding places.

Adam spent most of the night catching up with friends of his while I was the perfect host, making sure everyone was taken care of. He wouldn't talk to me let alone even look my way. I knew he was mad but still, ignoring me isn't the answer. Especially with the past we've had. Around ten people started leaving and the space was finally left to Adam, Mark, Greg, and me. Probably not the best group of people to be with.

“what's going on?” Adam asks harshly, looking at Greg directly.

Greg puts his hands up in surrender, “hey, don't look at me for this, I'm as clueless as you.” he says.

I gulp, knowing I'd probably be the one telling the story. “look, Adam, it's really not that bad. Greg just overreacted.”

“overreacted about what?”

“my first night here Greg said that I needed to loosen up. He dropped me off at the club downtown, though didn't stick around. I went in and was planning on just getting a 7-up or something but Mark, he asked to buy me a drink...” Adam began to glare at Mark, “that's when I got drunk, what I had told you about. We went back to my place and well, I can't say for sure what would have happened since nothing did happen. Blake interrupted us and Mark left. It slipped today and Greg freaked out on Mark. That's when you showed up.” I could see Adam breathing hard, probably do anything possible to keep from lunging toward Mark. I rest my hand on his knee to help calm him down. “Nothing has happened since Adman. That night I was just so torn about you not coming after me I didn't know what to do. I guess I did the one thing that totally isn't me, drinking.”

This made Mark speak up for the first time, “wait, back up, you don't drink?” I shake my head no, “shit! Juliana that's something you tell someone! You could have seriously gotten alcohol poisoning or something.”

“he's right Liana, you're body isn't prepared for a lot of alcohol in it.” Adam agrees with Mark, which surprised me.

“okay, I'll make some big sign screaming I'm not a drinker.” I tell them, “is everyone good now though? No more fist fights?”

“no more fist fights.” Greg says and the other two nod their heads.

“okay then Mark, Greg, you two can go now.” without a question they both get up from their seats and head out of the bakery. Adam begins to too but I grab his hand, stopping him.

“where do you think you're going?”


I pull on his hand so he's sitting back down, “we need to talk about something.”

“okay...” he was the one who sounded nervous now.

“I love you Adam and I know this isn't the best relationship ever.”

“oh really? I think snakes have better relationships than this.” he comments.

“just listen Adam! I don't want to be one of those girls that can't have any guy friends.”


“so?! Greg was talking about how you hated it when I was around other guys.”

Adam smiles and wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “of course I hate it when other guys are around you. Not only am I nervous that you'll ditch me for them but I also wish I was the guy who gets to stand with you and laugh. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be a control freak about it. You should know that by now Liana.”

“But now that I know that I'll feel guilty when I'm around other guys.”

He leans over the table and kisses me, “you have nothing to feel guilty about. Just don't be flirting with them too much and I think we'll be good.”


“I love you Liana.”

I smile, “love you too Adam.”
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