Who Knew.

I Wish...

“You’ve recognized the significance of that picture then—your facial expression gave you away.”

I glanced up at him; he had a small smile playing on his lips as I met his gaze. I nodded.

“Those words are so ironic Gee; that night marked a few firsts as well as lasts. How come you never showed me these before? I played Pansy for you all the time.”

He let out a sigh before scratching the back of his neck—nervous habit he’s got.

“I showed you stuff before.”

“Not these. Gee, they’re beautiful, you really embellish me sometimes—“

“Frankie, that’s all you. I drew you as I saw you in front of me. I haven’t read those words in a while, what does it say?”

Close your eyes and please don’t let me go, don’t let me go now…close your eyes don’t let me let you go, take my hand tonight, let’s not think about tomorrow…take my hand tonight, we can find some place to go cause our hearts are locked forever, and our love will never die…

He smiled and I saw hope flicker through his eyes.

“Now I know what you meant by ironic; let’s not think about tomorrow. That tomorrow was the worst day of our lives wasn’t it?”

I nodded, he took my hand in his own again; the feeling of being alive, being whole rushed through my body once more. All he has to do is touch me and I’m complete.

“So we want this right—we want something between us again?”

“That’s a stupid question—yes Gerard.”

He smiled over at me and I gave him one in return. He took the book from my lap and placed it on the table in front of us and turned back to face me, leaning in closer till I could feel his warm breath on my lips. His eyes locked onto my own, our noses barely touching; my heart was pounding. We just stayed like that, staring into each other’s eyes; I couldn’t take much more of this though. I grabbed him by the arms and pulled him to me and crushed my lips to his own; his arms automatically wrapping themselves around me.

You know those moments in the movies where everything is perfect? Those moments when just the right kind of music is being played in the background, just the right camera angle is on the two leads as they make the perfect on-screen kiss—this is definitely better than those moments. It was just like last night; butterflies were going haywire in my tummy, electric shocks were going to every part of my body and my heart pounded in my chest. My brain melted, the only thing on my mind was the person currently attached to my lips.

My lungs finally screamed for air but I kept going, he didn’t have any intention to stop either. Our hands began roaming each other’s bodies; this was so right. I began to feel dizzy from emotional overload and lack of oxygen. I gently pulled away; we both let out small whimpers as we lost the contact of each other’s mouths. I slowly opened my eyes, his face held a dopey look and I’m sure my own mirrored his. He smiled at me as he regained his breath.

“Do you feel it too?”

I looked at him confused—I was.

“I don’t know, like your entire body is alive and your blood’s on fire?”

I grinned and nodded.

He pulled me to him, leaning back on the couch, resting my head over his heart. He wrapped his arms around me and I listened to his sporadic heart beat in his chest. My head rising and falling with each breath he took. I wrapped my own arms around him the best I could, content to be in his arms again.
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so i couldn't help myself and had to put up another one....i've noticed i have too much time on my hands and upate really fast for my stories....meh, whatever, it's my life--i do as i please. =]