Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me


"Bella's dieing in there. Go and hurry."Esme said to Edward. He immediatly did. He walked in to see Bella panting and screaming. He held her hand. The first child came out. A baby girl.

They rapped her up in a baby blanket. She was about to be name when the second child came out. Bella smiled happily. She took the first child.

"Her name should be Renesmee Carlie." She whispered. Then the next one was put in her hands.That's when Renesmee bit her.
"Her name. . . Emalie Embry." Bella was dieing.They all looked at her confused but they took the children away.

They looked at the second child and froze.
The skin was russet and the hair was brown.
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Re-writing it so don't read ahead just yet it might sound f*cked up!