Sequel: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Status: Working on it! Plz comment!

Why Is It Always Me

Chapter 11

I laid in my bed so angry. I couldn't beleive she did that. My mom favored Renesmee and I knew it no matter what my dad said. I began to cry. i knew that my mom was going to sell all my pets. She was hard like that.I just hope someone that is nice to me well buy them. Someone knocked on the door.

"Go away." I yelled as I went under my covers. I heard the door open."I said leave me alone." I said pathetically.
The peson sat on my bed. The person was very hot. And the smell was familiar."Come on Minie Me. your dad si being nice enough to gie me all your pets." I heard Embry say. I jumped up out of the covers and hugged him."THANK YOU!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Well short stuff see you in a few months." He said sadly. I nodded and he left. I got out of my bed and went to my bathroom and took a bath.
I heard my sister scream in delight as she ran up the stairs."Em! EM! EM! EM! Guess what!Guess What!" She asked hysterically.

"What?" I asked scared.

"We got invited to go to the Volturi for a ball!" My sister screeched. I smiled and began to dance with her in joy."Let me see the letter."I said rapidly. She gave it to me.I smiled as I read it.

"You have to bring one person with you. I know you'll take Jacob. . but who will I take?"I asked her.

"You can take Seth, or Embry, but you don't have to take someone if you don't want to she told as me as she pointed something out from the letter. I smiled.

"But there's a problem Emmy." Renesmee told me. I raised an eye brow.

"I don't know hot to dance for a ballet."

I smirked. Let the games begin.
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